Are Welsh Corgis expensive and where should I get one?

Does any one know if Welsh Corgis are expensive? and Where’s the best place to get a dog?

Answer #1

pet stores arent always good but the price mite b different so search place lik and stuff sell dogs from all over

Answer #2

After some searching, I found a few sites that listed welsh corgi’s for about 700-800 dollars. The best place to buy a welsh corgi is probably from a recognized breeder with references (eg, other happy clients that have bought from them before).

And for that much money, I’d make sure that you get papers, etc.

And…there are two types of welsh corgi, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. However, I think they’re both in the same price range.

Answer #3

it depends what age and who they r from go on

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