How do I stop emotional eating

argh, how to stop?! I cant stop it.

Answer #1

Keep yourself busy. Emotional eating is an addiction. I’m being treated for bulimia so I can really relate. I’ve been putting puzzles together and that really preoccupies me. You’re not going to eat and do a puzzle at the same time. Get outside - even if you don’t feel like being out there. Sit on a bench and read or journal. If I’m around people I’m less likely to start binging. Lastly, don’t keep sweets in your house and if you do, don’t keep them in your room. Don’t eat in your room. It helps to eat at the table. Then you can say “I’m finished” and get up and walk away. Try filling up on water or diet soda if nothing else works - at least then you certainly won’t overeat as much as you would have without the liquid. And actually, don’t listen to fizzpop’s advice about not exercising. Any therapist will tell you that exercise is the BEST anti-depressant. So go for a walk. Go to the gym even if you hate every moment of it. Force yourself to do thirty minutes and you WILL feel better aftterwrds. I promise.

Answer #2

I agree, exercising is a great way to relieve stress. I feel great after working out for an hour. It makes me feel good about myself, you should exercise 4-5 days a week and stay on a healthy diet 6 days a week and on the 7th day you can reward yourself with the comfort foods you love!!

Answer #3

well, scream instead, write a journal or just get drunk. If your sad, I dont think you’ll want to exercise.

Answer #4

Take your emoticions out on something else. Excercising.. or just go do something.

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