Want a dog, but can't because of sister? What to do?

Okay, so I was bored a couple days ago and was surfing the web. I came across this dog, and literally fell head over heels. Something just clicked, and I honestly felt like I needed that dog, and vice versa. It’s not even a breed I would normally want! I barely ever ask for pets, because I feel bad. So usually I will tell myself no, and push the thought away. However, I can’t do this with this dog. So I slowly and cautiously approached my mom about how I wanted a dog. She smiled and seemed all happy that I did, which is the exact opposite of what I expected. It was weird. But I went to bed after that, and decided next time I’m with her I would show her the dog. And then, last night I freaked out that someone would buy the dog, so I texted her about it. She said he’s adorable; which is true. Then she asked if it was a Shar-Pei, I said yes, and she never texted me back. So then, later I texted her again and asked if I could buy him. I pointed out that I would seriously take full responsibility, and pay all fees. But she said she knows I would, but what about my little sister? She informed me that my sister is always asking for a dog when she sees one for sale. It wouldn’t be fair. But, really, life isn’t fair. I told my mom we could get her an easy to take care of, cute, little animal, but my mom rejected; reminding me she already had a Guinea Pig. The reason she can’t have any more is because she doesn’t take care of them. So, because my sister is a bad owner, I can’t have a dog either. That’s punishing me for something I had no part in! I just feel like my little sister is always controlling me. It’s annoying. Everyday I get online and look at that puppy, and make sure no one bought him yet. I just honestly feel like I need him. Please help me. What do I do about my sister for my mom to agree? Mother obviously wants me to have the dog and feels bad for me, but still says no because of her.

Answer #1

I know EXACTLY how you feel! For a long time my mom was the same way, and for a while, she didn’t seem to have anything against dogs. And then she got rid of ours. ( -_-) So really what I would do is sit down and talk to her, or write a letter, explaining why you want one and why it is unfair for you to be punished for your sister’s laziness. :) I hope you can get the dog! And if they do make you give her away, don’t let them see you cry. That’s what they want….

Answer #2


Thanks! I will try that.
Answer #3

Thanks so much! I will try that. :)

Answer #4

i dont really see why you cant get it just because of that? she has a pet already just be like a dogs a way wayyyyyyy bigger responsibility and you cant even take care of the pet you have so why would you want a dog? plus why dont you share? maybe cause me and my brother have a cat and when i move out im taking him….. haha but hes our pet but i feel its fair because your gonna be the one taking care of it and hey maybe your mom will get her one when shes more responsible or she can get one when she has money and a job and can get it everything it needs

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