Dog peeing on greeting

My neighbours little jack russel has a terribel habit of peeing when she greets people, how can we cure this as I am fed up with her peeing in my house when she comes in to say hello?

Answer #1

my dog used to do that messed up peoples shoes, but cause the visitors remained calm and laughed it off and we didnt shout at him since I saw he did that when he met people (he got overexcited very quickly) after about 2-3 weeks he didnt do it anymore since he got used to people after I taught him a few control tricks (he didnt respond to any sort of interaction with people when he was on the leash unless I specifically allowed him to) itll go away after a while

Answer #2

ditto editor…The cure is…ignore it…ignore her…do not make eye contact, or pet her until she’s calm. Most dogs will out grow this, if they (and the peeing) are ignored, and not punished.

You could also ask your neighbor to keep her dog at home if you’re “fed up”…


Answer #3

It’s submissive urination.

This page will give you great information:

Answer #4

what I know of them they get to excited you have to teach them to calm down when they see people because my because has 1 and he gets to excited mostley because da dog probably doesnt get out much or doesnt see a lot of diff people

Answer #5

lmao my mums dog does that!!! if you talk to him as well he pees, I fink its dead funy but its not when he pees in your eye!!! I lay him on his back an started talkin 2 my mums dog an he peed str8 in my eye, haha funy funny, we have to ignore my mums dog because he pees all the time when people come in to the house, the only person he doesnt pee on is my mum lol xx

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