Does my ex still like me?

I dated my ex for 2 months and slept with each other after a month of dating. He was my first(I was 21), now I’m 22 and I wanted to do it and get it over with and I was really attracted to him and we knew each other for 4 months until I decided to sleep with him. We had a lot of complications during our relationship, I would usually dump him after he does something I don’t like and he would talk me out of it or ask me to take him back. I said things to him I shouldn’t have and he broke it off. After a month of broken up, we started talking again as friends. At first he tried the typical booty call and I yelled at him. I said I will never give in to what you want and until you get that to your head then we can have a platonic relationship. After I said that to him we’ve hanged out and it got to his head that I’ll never be his booty call, we went hiking on Vday (he asked me) and asked me to go to a beach party this past weekend, but I couldn’t go. Now I miss being with him. I would never have sex with anyone unless were emotionally attached. I still have feelings for him, but I’m trying this friendship thing with him and I don’t want to ruin it. I guess deep down I want him to make the first move, it seems like he still likes me. I’m pushing it to him that we’re just friends now, so it doesn’t look like I’m longing for him desperately and being clingy. He was the only I had sex with. Should I just tell him how I feel or wouldn’t that push him away?

I don’t know if he still likes me, I think he does. I was looking at his past mood and status on myspace. I saw after I talked to him on the phone (friday night) before we went hiking on Vday that he put “<3” “I’m out of it”. During the whole conversation, he would flirt with me and he would stare at me when we went hiking.

Answer #1

Well in my opinion there is a good chance that he likes you, but unfortunately we can do nothing more than reassure you here. The only person who knows whether he likes you or not is him and the only person who can find out is you. What you need to do is hold yourself back less. Like you said, you have been waiting for him to make the first move, but you need to think about this. What if he is waiting for ‘you’ to make the first move? If that is the case then nothing will ever happen between you two apart from a lot of romantic (perhaps awkward) tension. You need to be less stubborn and actually work up the courage to ask him.

You were in a relationship and it is perfactly natural for feelings to come back suddenly when you are with the person.This could well be a sign that this is worthy of another shot and seeing as he seems to be interacting so well with you, I would certainly think so. Just be confident and you need to be more willing to seek the answers you want. They will not always just come to you.

My advice would be to find a good moment (quiet in a familiar/ safe environment) and talk to this guy. You have nothing to lose. You say you want to try friendship, but if you want something else, then it is going to put a strain on you and that will put a strain on your friendship. Ask this guy how he feels about you and tell him to be honest and that you won’t judge anything he says. Even if he says he doesn’t ‘like’ you, I would strongly recommend that you actually tell him how you feel. Friends should understand each other and seeing as the two of you have been in a relationship already, you should be able to trust each other somewhat.

By telling him how you feel, it could break down a wall within him. Perhaps he stopped himself from feeling this way about you again because he thought you didn’t and that he would only get rejected. Maybe he does like you, but just needs you to tell him how you feel first. There are so many possibilities, but they all come down to your openness. If you can open up to this guy and tell him how you feel and of course ask him how he feels, at least (even if he doesn’t answer/ answer favourably) you will know that you tried and you will be somewhat disencumbered by that. I hope that helps :)!

Answer #2

When you’re an adult and you’re pretty much prepared to any consequences and know how to be safe, then its ok to do what you want. Its a choice and whatever reason I have for that choice, I stand by it and not regret it. As long as you’re in a relationship, its our relationship and what we do is our choice. There are no rules to it. Games are for players. We had misunderstandings before we had sex. Its true we didn’t know each other that well, but we’re adults. Right now its just our pride(well my pride, that’s holding me back). It may not work for everyone, but its possible for ex’s to be friends. I know a lot of people who’ve been in long term relationship that works it out as a platonic relationship. Just because it didn’t turn out as lovers, doesn’t mean it can’t work as friends.

Answer #3

To start off with, you pretty much had sex for all the WRONG reasons>I wanted to do it and get it over with and I was really attracted to him and we knew each other for 4 months, slept with each other after a month of dating.>>Thats TOO soon, no matter how long you’ve known one another. Sex complicates a relationship, and this just proves it >We had a lot of complications during our relationship, I would usually dump him after he does something I don’t like and he would talk me out of it or ask me to take him back. You didnt give your relationship anytime to really get to know each other (as boyfriend/girlfriend). “Knowing” someone, and actually dating them are two different things! You didnt give him enough time to fall in love with you before sleeping with him.

I just dont think hes interested in being a couple anymore…I mean what is he waiting for? I really think hes only hanging out with you, just to get you bed again. Your taking his friendship as something more.

Remember, hes an ex for a reason. You really didnt have much of a relationship to build anything on, and you both still cant seem to get it together. You can go from friends to lovers, but it usually does not work trying to go from lovers to friends. You cant be friends with someone your still attached to.

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