What camera is used to take pictures like this?

With a grungey and a very old fashioned style, or what editing can i do to make it look like this

Answer #1

Well you can basically play around with filters, but you should know it’s not just the quality of the camera but of the actual printing method of that time that produces such quality…. we have a lot of old family pics from ~1988 - 1997 and you can see the difference through the years, there used to be people who specialized in developing photographs before the fully automatic digital version came along….

Answer #2

Hmm i guess it wouldnt really work if i was to jus take it from a camera

Answer #3

Any camera could have done that. The only reason it looks like that it’s because the camera had to compensate for the time of the day the picture was taken so it raised it’s iso or speed above 800 and when that happens the picture comes out with a lot of noise. Noise in photography is the graininess and harsh over all presentation. It was not taken by a professional as a professional will not composed the picture too look like a snapshot and would not have that intrusion on the corner of the picture or would have use the dedicated flash that was used in this picture. You can achieve the same results with a DSLR by raising your ISO and shooting speed or by going on photoshop and adding noise and adjusting the temperature to make it look colder.

Answer #4

Haaha i tried that, it came out well since it was a photo from my SLR but i couldnt get the colouring right, i did however, get the noise

Answer #5

Also many apps for android or iPhone will give you the same results straight out of your mobile device.

Answer #6

You would need to do some post processing on Photoshop. There are the add noise filters there and you can change the color temperatures and increase the highlights.

Answer #7

Awh, Kurt always looked so handsome, drugged out or not.

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