Boob Advice

Okaii, I use to be a c 36, and now I’ve lowered to about a small b or medium b. it sucks, I miss my big boobs.. and I know for a 14 yr old girl it shouldnt matter, but it does… what can I do to make it back to normal if possible?

Answer #1

you shouldnt care what size you are. and a sm. or med. b sounds just the right size to me.

Answer #2

Don’t let the size of your boobs define you - you’re 14, they’ll grow !

Answer #3

nothing wrong with boob size…im 17 gonna b 18 soon and im still an A and I love ittt :DD its awesome not having to worry about boob cleavage and theres more varieties in clothes to be able to wear because when a guy gets with you… you know they ain’t trying to get with you because of the boobs.

Answer #4

Not to mention the strain they put on your body. Smaller chest=more maneuverability. You don’t see very many athletes with C or Ds.

And at least where I’m from(Tennessee), a lot of the girls with large chests are a bit…ugly? No, they just exaggerate a lot of their features, and clothing, ect. I have yet to run into a girl I consider attractive with that portion of the body so large. Although, it might be that girls CAKE makeup on around here, hiding a lot of their natural beauty.

Answer #5

just be happy with what youve got at 14, your really only just beginning to go through puberty anyway your boobs will stop growing at around age 18-21 so you have plenty of time to be patient and wait for them to reach there full size other than that, reasons for them being smaller could be hormones exerscise and weight loss

Answer #6

embace having a smaller chest! you can wear what ever shirt you want without looking trashy! I am a 36ddd so trust me being larger chested stinks!

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