What should I get for my "Big Sister"?

I’m starting a new school soon, and we have Big Sis/Little Sis thing where a senior is paired up with an 8th/9th grader. I have known my big sis (through email) for a couple months, but have never met her in person. (I will be meeting her on the first day of school). I know it is a general custom to give eachother a gift (anything) and I was wondering what would be the best.

She wants to be a nurse, and I know she can play the piano, but other than that, I don’t really know much about her.

Should I bring cookies? Cupcakes? I’d bring flowers, but A) she’d have no where to put them, and B) I’m allergic! We eat lunch together, so I though a food item might be fun.

What did you give your Big (or little) sister when you entered high school?

Answer #1

when i was in high school we had something like that, but we didn’t call it Big sis/Little sis. Instead we just called it buddies (go figure). anyway when it was Christmas time the little girl i was paired up with gave me a bracelet. it was pretty it had little charms on it like a key and a crown. in return i gave her a little stuffed gingerbread girl that, i think, had a scent to it.

if your’e looking at a food item then maybe cookies would be a good idea.

Answer #2

That gives me an idea… do you think it would be fun to bring a small batch of cupcakes, and a small gift, like a braclet that was school themed. Shcool colors, the crest, ect.

Maybe I should decorate the cupcakes in school colors, too. Any ideas there?

Answer #3

well reading what you have there i think that would be a good idea. I’m sure she’ll like whatever you decide to give her

Answer #4

U can get or make her something that is not pricey. U can even make something that ties you and her together, like if you make a bracelet you can put a big girl and a little girl representing the 2 of you. Something like that. you local craft store should give you a lot of ideas on what u can create. Now you have something that is not pricey but has a meaning and will last. Good Luck

Answer #5

Thanks to both of you! She called me last night (all little sisters get a call from their big sisters before orentation!) and apperently the tradition is the seniors (big sis) are responisble not only for the care of the little sis, but dessert as well. She’s bringing watermelon and cookies, so I desided to bring muffins. She is apperently watermelon crazy, so I made her a water melon coin purse! I can’t wait to give it to her…. mabye I’ll even add a watermelon braclet…. Thanks again!!

Answer #6

a watermelon coin purse sounds cool

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