How can I get over my boyfriend who is in love with pot?

So just two days ago, my boyfriend and I, which weve been going out for 9 months, broke up. he started really getting obsessed with weed. he bought about 200$ worthof it.. I told him that its getting wayy too far and that he needs to make a decision between that and me. he said he wanted to finish the 2 ounces that he bought, then hed be done. I told him no, he needs to stop now. and he said he couldnt do that. so I told him to call me when hes himself again, and hes ready to realize whos really going to be there for him in life., but untill then ill leave him alone. I havent called him since two days.. and already it is so hard for me. im cutting myself over it. I mean, I used to cut myself a few years ago, and I quit last year, but all of a sudden I started because of him. I know its only been two days, but im starting to feel like he never really did love me or care for me. and that he couldnt care less that im not in his life anymore. I need advice on how to get over begging you..and please be straight up with me about what you think..

sorry that its a bit long.

Answer #1

y dont you just respect him for what he does thats probably why the relationship is rocky seems like your the only one making it a problem

Answer #2

I’m pretty sure everyone has a boyfriend/girlfriend, or an ex, who was the same. I know I did, only mine had different decisions. His band, or me. I know it sounds selfish, but he was getting obsessed with it, to the point where it really hurt and I never saw him any more. He lied about where he was going, etc.

Just do what feels right. I know guys like your boyfriend, and chances are he won’t stop even though he says he will. Marijuana isn’t chemically addicting, but once you feel how it affects you, you may not want to stop. I made the decision to leave my ex, which hurt like hell at the time, I was so depressed. BUT I eventually met someone new who has totally changed my life, forever. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone, and trust him with everything.

If you’re not happy, you CAN find someone better!!!

As for advice on how to get over him, find things to do that occupy your time. New hobbies, hanging out with your girls! They will always be there for you.

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