Virtual Employee

Virtual Employee Pvt. Ltd. (VE) is a well-established remote staffing company, offering affordable and scalable remote staffing solutions for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) around the world in over 150 domains. Founded in 2007 with the single-minded objective of helping SMBs hire dedicated offshore employees and gain efficiency, save time and increase their bottom-line, Virtual Employee Pvt. Ltd. today has a growing client base of 2021+ clients in 27 countries around the globe. Headqua...

About Virtual Employee

Who we are

Welcome to Virtual Employee, your one-stop solution for hiring offshore remote employees from India. We specialize in providing dedicated virtual staff in various domains such as IT, Design, Marketing, Legal, and more. With Virtual Employee, you can save your business costs while accessing real experience and expertise from talented professionals based in India.

Our mission is to bridge the geographical distance and time zone differences, making it seamless for you to work with your remote resource just as if they were in the next cubicle. We understand the importance of having a reliable Plan B in place to ensure business survival and continuity, especially during uncertain times like lockdowns or natural disasters.

At Virtual Employee, we pride ourselves on offering unmatched cost savings of up to 70% (or even more, depending on the domain) compared to local remote hiring. We believe that hiring virtual employees is not just a good business move but a strategic investment in the future success of your business.

What we Do

Virtual Employee offers a wide range of outsourcing services that enable you to hire dedicated remote staff from India. Whether you need software developers, graphic designers, digital marketers, legal experts, or any other professional, we have the perfect virtual employee for you. Our hiring process is simple, efficient, and designed to match you with the right talent that meets your specific requirements.

By choosing Virtual Employee, you can access a global talent pool without the hassle of traditional recruitment. We take care of all the administrative tasks, including HR management, payroll processing, and infrastructure support, so you can focus on your core business activities. Our virtual employees work remotely but are fully committed to delivering high-quality work and meeting your project deadlines.

Why you should use us

There are several reasons why hiring virtual staff from Virtual Employee is a smart business move. Firstly, you can save up to 70% of your costs compared to local remote hiring. This significant cost reduction allows you to invest more resources into growing your business and expanding your operations. Secondly, by outsourcing services to virtual employees in India, you gain access to a diverse talent pool with expertise in various domains.

Another key advantage of working with Virtual Employee is the flexibility and scalability it offers to your business. Whether you need to scale up or down based on project requirements, our virtual employees can adapt to meet your changing needs. Additionally, by hiring remote staff from India, you can ensure business continuity and minimize disruptions during unforeseen circumstances like lockdowns or natural disasters.

In summary, Virtual Employee provides a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to enhance their workforce with skilled professionals from India. Our virtual employees offer real experience and expertise in diverse domains, giving you the competitive edge to succeed in today’s global market.

What can you ask?

  • How does the hiring process work at Virtual Employee?
  • What types of domains do your virtual employees specialize in?
  • Can I request a trial period before committing to a long-term contract?
  • How do you ensure the security and confidentiality of my business data?
  • What kind of support and infrastructure do you provide for virtual employees?
  • Do you offer flexible pricing options based on project requirements?

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