Trung tâm Vật Lý Trị Liệu trực thuộc Hội giáo dục chăm sóc sức khỏe cộng đồng Việt Nam là trung tâm vật lý trị liệu uy tín hàng đầu tại Việt Nam

About Trung tâm Vật Lý Trị Liệu

Vật Lý Trị Liệu

Who we are

Vật Lý Trị Liệu is a leading physical therapy center in Vietnam under the Community Health Care Education Association of Vietnam. Physical therapy is a branch of comprehensive medicine that uses physical effects on the human body such as heat therapy, electrotherapy, light therapy, hydrotherapy, mechanical therapy, etc., to prevent disease, treat illness, and restore function. Physical therapy is used to improve the quality of life of patients through assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, physical intervention, and patient education. It is carried out by physical therapists (referred to as physiotherapists in many countries, they may not be medical doctors as commonly referred to in Vietnam).

What we Do

In addition to clinical practice, other activities within the field of physical therapy include research, education, counseling, and management. Physical therapy services can be provided as primary or adjunctive care, or in combination with other medical services. This science has a long history but has recently developed significantly.

According to the modern medical perspective, medicine is divided into three components: Preventive medicine (focused on preventive solutions to avoid or limit the occurrence of diseases), Therapeutic medicine (focused on directly treating existing diseases), and Restorative medicine (focused on restoring patients after active treatment). From this perspective, Physical Therapy is a major branch of restorative medicine. Physical therapy for functional restoration has advanced to the point where it can replace therapeutic medicine in many cases. Physical therapy is highly effective in musculoskeletal and neurological departments.

Why you should use us

Physical therapy aims to reduce pain and help you move, function, and live better. You can use physical therapy to reduce pain, improve mobility, prevent or recover from sports injuries, prevent disability or surgery, recover function after stroke, accidents, injuries, or surgery, maintain balance to avoid slips or falls, control chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis, recover after childbirth, control bowel or bladder function, adapt to prosthetics, learn how to use supportive devices like walking frames or canes.

What can you ask?

  • How can physical therapy help me recover from a specific injury or condition?
  • What types of techniques and equipment are used in physical therapy sessions?
  • Are there specific exercises or home care routines I should follow between sessions?
  • How long does a typical physical therapy session last?
  • Can physical therapy help with chronic pain management?
  • Do you provide personalized treatment plans based on individual needs?

Contact us today at Vật Lý Trị Liệu for trusted and professional physical therapy services in Vietnam. Let us help you regain your mobility and improve your quality of life through our specialized treatment programs!

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