Navigate the complex and challenging appeal process with the expert guidance of Spolin & Dukes. Contact our team of California criminal appeals lawyers for a FREE consultation at (310) 424-5816.

About Spolin & Dukes

Spolin & Dukes: Your Trusted Partner in Criminal Appeals

Who We Are

Welcome to Spolin & Dukes, where we specialize in criminal appeals. Our talented team of California criminal appeals lawyers is here to help you navigate the complex and challenging appeal process. With years of experience and an award-winning track record, we are dedicated to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients. At Spolin & Dukes, your freedom and rights are our top priority. We offer a FREE consultation to discuss your case. Call us today at (310) 424-5816 to start your journey towards justice.

What We Do

The appeal process can be intricate and daunting, but our expert team at Spolin & Dukes is here to guide you every step of the way. Here’s how we work to win your appeal:

Review the Case for Errors

When you hire Spolin & Dukes, we conduct an in-depth review of your case to identify any mistakes or legal errors. These errors could range from factual discrepancies to violations of your rights, forming a strong basis for your appeal.

Develop an Argument Based on State and Federal Laws

Thousands of arguments can be made on appeal, but they must be grounded in state or federal laws, court procedures, and the U.S. Constitution. If your rights were violated at any point during your trial, we will develop compelling arguments to attempt to reverse the court’s decision.

Establish Your Innocence

An appeal is not just about legal frameworks; it’s also about making an emotional plea to the judge. If you are innocent, we will strive to prove that you should be immediately released, making the case that the legal system has failed you.

Seek Your Release from Imprisonment

In certain situations, we may argue for your release from jail while your appeal is pending. We understand the importance of spending time with your family and friends, so our goal is to keep you out of prison whenever possible.

Spolin & Dukes takes these steps and more to fight for a successful appeal in court. To learn more about the appeals process, contact criminal appeals lawyer Aaron Spolin and his team at (866) 716-2805.

Why You Should Use Us

Navigating a criminal appeal is not something you should do alone. Here’s why Spolin & Dukes should be your go-to choice:

Expertise and Experience

Our team has decades of combined experience handling criminal appeals. We have a deep understanding of both state and federal appeal deadlines and ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed in a timely manner.

Proven Track Record

While past results do not guarantee future outcomes, our award-winning legal team has achieved favorable results in numerous appeals. Our relentless pursuit of justice has earned us high rankings by The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys.

Comprehensive Case Analysis

We meticulously analyze trial records to identify potential errors. Fresh eyes can often find new arguments that were missed initially. Our goal is to uncover every possible avenue to fight for your freedom.

Dedicated Advocacy

We take your appeal very seriously. Our team is committed to fighting for the best possible outcome for you. Aaron Spolin, a former prosecutor and award-winning appeals attorney, leads our dedicated team in this mission.

To learn more about how Spolin & Dukes can help you through the appeals process, call (866) 716-2805 to talk to someone you can trust.

What Can You Ask?

We understand that you may have many questions regarding your criminal appeal. Here are some examples of what you can ask us:

  • What are the deadlines for filing an appeal in my case?
  • What potential arguments can be made to overturn my conviction?
  • What steps are involved in the criminal appeals process?
  • Can I be released from jail while my appeal is pending?
  • How will you review my case for errors?
  • What are my chances of winning an appeal based on my specific circumstances?

Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. Our team at Spolin & Dukes is here to provide the answers and support you need during this challenging time.

At Spolin & Dukes, we are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients. Don’t navigate the criminal appeals process alone—let us be your trusted partner. Call us today at (310) 424-5816 for a FREE consultation.

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