Kassouni Law

Kassouni Law's Sacramento and Los Angeles appeals attorneys have extensive experience representing clients at all appellate court levels, complemented by comprehensive trial court expertise.

About Kassouni Law

Who We Are

Welcome to Sacramento Attorneys | Los Angeles Lawyers, home to Kassouni Law, where your appellate needs are met with unparalleled expertise and dedication. With offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles, our seasoned appellate attorneys are committed to providing exceptional legal representation across all appellate court levels. Our team, led by the highly experienced Timothy V. Kassouni, boasts a thorough command of both trial and appellate court procedures, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost precision and care.

What We Do

At Kassouni Law, we specialize in appellate litigation. Our Sacramento and Los Angeles appeal attorneys are adept at navigating the complexities of the appellate process, with extensive experience in both state and federal courts. Our services include:

  • Appellate Representation: We take on appeals for clients who have received adverse trial court rulings or for those who wish to uphold favorable rulings.
  • Legal Strategy Development: Our research attorneys meticulously develop legal points based on subtle nuances within the law, presenting clear and forceful arguments in your favor.
  • Objective Case Evaluation: We offer honest and objective assessments of the merits and chances of success of your appeal, often at an affordable flat fee.

Our goal is to ensure that erroneous trial court judgments can be reversed on appeal by making compelling cases that the trial court made an error of law.

Why You Should Use Us

Choosing the right appellate lawyer can be the key to prevailing on appeal, and here’s why Kassouni Law stands out:

  • Extensive Experience: Our attorneys have represented clients at all appellate court levels, including the California Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court.
  • Honest Evaluations: We pride ourselves on providing clients with objective analyses of their cases, helping them make informed decisions about whether to pursue an appeal.
  • Personalized Legal Representation: We listen to your legal concerns, give an honest assessment of your case’s legal merits, and deliver personalized legal strategies tailored to your specific needs.
  • Proven Track Record: Our firm has a history of successful outcomes, including several published opinions and landmark decisions.
  • Strategic Approach: From filing writs to handling summary judgment and demurrer proceedings, we employ strategic legal methods to mitigate time and cost for our clients.

What Can You Ask?

We understand that navigating the appellate process can be daunting, which is why we encourage you to reach out with any questions you may have. Here are some examples of what you can ask us:

  • What are the chances of success for my appeal?
  • How does the appellate process differ from trial court proceedings?
  • What errors of law can be grounds for an appeal?
  • What is the timeline for an appellate case?
  • How do you develop legal strategies for appeals?
  • What are writ proceedings and when are they necessary?
  • Can I appeal a summary judgment decision?

Our team is here to provide you with comprehensive answers and guidance every step of the way. Contact our Sacramento or Los Angeles office for an initial evaluation by calling (877) 770-7379.

At Kassouni Law, we are committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring that justice is served. Trust our experienced appellate attorneys to handle your case with the expertise and dedication it deserves.

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