NNRoad provides a flexible employment solution to help businesses hire, onboard, and pay local or remote teams without the need to set up a local company. Expand your business easily and compliantly with NNRoad.

About NNRoad

Who we are

NNRoad is a global Employer of Record (EOR) service provider that offers an easy and compliant way for businesses to expand their operations internationally. With our flexible employment solutions, we help companies hire, onboard, and pay their local or remote team members without the need to set up a local entity. Our team of experts is dedicated to simplifying the complexities of international expansion, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

What we Do

At NNRoad, we provide a comprehensive range of services to support your global expansion efforts. Our Employer of Record service enables you to hire, manage, and retain employees worldwide without the hassle of establishing a local presence. We take care of all the administrative tasks, including calculating labor costs, drafting compliant employment contracts, and handling payroll processes. With NNRoad, you can ensure compliance with local regulations and focus on driving your business growth.

Why you should use us

When you choose NNRoad as your Employer of Record partner, you gain access to a wealth of benefits that can help streamline your international operations. Our experienced team understands the complexities of global employment laws and regulations, ensuring that your business remains compliant in every market you operate in. By outsourcing your employer responsibilities to us, you can save time, reduce costs, and mitigate risks associated with international expansion. With NNRoad, you can expand your business with confidence and ease.

What can you ask?

  • How does the Employer of Record service work?
  • What countries does NNRoad operate in?
  • Can NNRoad help with setting up payroll processes?
  • What are the benefits of using an Employer of Record service?
  • How does NNRoad ensure compliance with local regulations?

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