
MediaOne has been in the forefront of Singapore search engine optimisation for more than a decade. We consult for large enterprise firms like SingTel, Canon and Thomson Medical; government firms like SingHealth, EDB Singapore and Ministry of Law. We also help small businesses get ahead in the competitive sphere of SEO so that they can obtain much needed visibility and sales online. We render on-page optimisations, technical audits and improvements that are required by search engines' rigorous...

About MediaOne

Who we are

At MediaOne, we are the leading programmatic agency in Singapore, dedicated to equipping businesses with the necessary tools to drastically improve advertising profitability. With a team of experts in programmatic advertising, we provide algorithmic software that runs computerized auctions to bring advertisers and publishers together, identifies optimal ad spaces in real-time, and analyzes traffic data to ensure targeted ads reach the ideal audience for maximum ROI.

What we Do

Our programmatic services go beyond just managing digital ads; we help businesses boost their TV campaigns, gain access to impactful OTT inventory, and target influential customer segments. By leveraging predictive retargeting and incrementality measurement, we optimize campaigns to guarantee desired outcomes. Furthermore, our state-of-the-art artificial intelligence collects data for customer analytics and business forecasting, helping you make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Why you should use us

When you choose MediaOne for your programmatic advertising needs, you are partnering with a team of experts who have successfully delivered increased revenue, rapid growth, and high profitability for clients like Phillip Capital, Capitaland, and Maybank. We provide fully managed programmatic services, performance guarantees, and support with in-housing to tailor our solutions to your specific needs. Our consultancy scoping sessions and analytics solutions ensure that you get the most out of your data and advertising campaigns.

What can you ask?

  • How can programmatic advertising help my business reach a larger audience?
  • What sets MediaOne apart from other programmatic agencies in Singapore?
  • Can you provide examples of successful programmatic campaigns you have managed?
  • How do you ensure that my ads are targeted to the ideal audience for maximum ROI?
  • What type of reporting and analytics do you offer to track the success of my campaigns?
  • How can I get started with MediaOne’s programmatic services?
  • Can you provide case studies or testimonials from satisfied clients who have used your programmatic services?

By choosing MediaOne as your programmatic agency, you can rest assured that your advertising campaigns are in good hands. Our team of experts will work tirelessly to ensure that your ads reach the right audience at the right time, driving increased revenue and growth for your business. Let us help you navigate the complex world of programmatic advertising and reap the benefits of highly sophisticated campaigns today!

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