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Who we are

Welcome to ORCID! We are a global organization dedicated to providing researchers and scholars with a unique identifier that distinguishes them from others in the academic community. Our goal is to help individuals showcase their work and accomplishments in a standardized and reliable way. By using ORCID, researchers can easily link their publications, grants, and other contributions to their unique identifier, making it easier for others to find and attribute their work.

What we Do

At ORCID, we offer a simple yet powerful solution for researchers to establish their online presence and manage their professional information. By registering for an ORCID iD, individuals can create a digital record of their research output that is connected to their unique identifier. This enables seamless integration with various research systems and platforms, making it easier to track and showcase their scholarly contributions.

ORCID iDs are widely recognized across the academic community and are increasingly required by publishers, funders, and institutions. By using ORCID, researchers can streamline workflows, reduce duplication of effort, and ensure proper attribution for their work. Additionally, ORCID offers tools and resources to help users maximize the benefits of their unique identifier and stay informed about best practices in research communication.

Why you should use us

There are many reasons why researchers should consider using ORCID. Here are just a few benefits of creating an ORCID iD:

  1. Visibility and Recognition: By associating your work with an ORCID iD, you can increase the visibility and discoverability of your research output. This can lead to greater recognition within the academic community and beyond.

  2. Streamlined Workflow: With an ORCID iD, you can easily link your publications, datasets, and other contributions to your unique identifier. This saves time and effort when submitting manuscripts, applying for grants, or updating your CV.

  3. Reliable Attribution: ORCID provides a persistent identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers with similar names. This helps ensure that your work is properly attributed and avoids confusion with others in the field.

  4. Compliance Requirements: Many publishers, funders, and institutions now require or recommend the use of ORCID iDs. By creating an ORCID account, you can meet these compliance requirements and avoid potential barriers to publication or funding.

Overall, using ORCID can enhance your professional profile, simplify administrative tasks, and strengthen the integrity of your scholarly record. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or just starting out in your career, ORCID can help you make a lasting impact in your field.

What can you ask?

Visitors to our website may have questions about how ORCID works, how to register for an ORCID iD, or how to integrate their unique identifier with other systems. Here are some common questions that users may ask:

  • How do I create an ORCID iD?
  • Can I link my ORCID iD to my publications on academic platforms?
  • Is my ORCID iD recognized by publishers and funders?
  • What are the privacy settings for my ORCID profile?
  • How can I update my professional information on my ORCID account?

Feel free to reach out to us with any other questions you may have about ORCID and how it can benefit your research career. We are here to support you on your scholarly journey!

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