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Dr Eva Choices

مجموعة المقشر الأسباني كوزميلان لعلاج البقع الداكنة وتفتيح البشرة. متوافقة مع جميع أنواع البشرة. تسبب البقع الداكنة أو تغير لون البشرة من عوامل عديدة بما في ذلك التعرض لأشعة الشمس، والشيخوخة، وتقلبات الهرمونات مثل الحمل أو سن اليأس والإصابة بالبشرة مثل حب الشباب. استخدام يومي ل...

About Dr Eva Choices

Who we are

Welcome to Dr Eva Choices, your go-to destination for top-of-the-line skincare treatments and products. We are proud to offer the Cosmelan Pack by mesoestetic, a cutting-edge depigmentation treatment that is compatible with all skin types. At Dr Eva Choices, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve clear, radiant skin and boost their confidence through our advanced skincare solutions.

What we Do

At Dr Eva Choices, we specialize in the Cosmelan Pack treatment, which is a premium skin lightening and depigmentation solution designed to target and eliminate skin discolorations caused by factors such as sun exposure, aging, hormonal fluctuations, and acne. The Cosmelan Pack consists of powerful skin-lightening ingredients such as azelaic acid, kojic acid, ascorbic acid, and phytic acid, which are effective in reducing pigmentation and dark spots.

The Cosmelan treatment is a non-invasive procedure that delivers remarkable results safely. It can be used at home with minimal discomfort and downtime. The benefits of the Cosmelan treatment include minimal pain during the procedure, quick results, reduction of pigmentation and dark spots, effectiveness in treating melasma and pregnancy mask, and suitability for all skin types.

Why you should use us

Choosing Dr Eva Choices for your skincare needs means opting for a trusted and experienced provider of advanced skincare treatments. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and helping you achieve a clearer, brighter complexion. With our focus on safety and efficacy, you can trust us to provide you with personalized care and guidance throughout your skincare journey.

The Cosmelan treatment offered at Dr Eva Choices is a proven solution for addressing a range of skin concerns, including sunspots, melasma, acne scars, and pigmentation issues. By choosing us, you can benefit from professional-grade skincare solutions that are tailored to your unique needs and designed to deliver visible results.

What can you ask?

  • How does the Cosmelan Pack work to lighten skin and reduce pigmentation?
  • Are there any side effects or risks associated with the Cosmelan treatment?
  • What is the recommended post-treatment skincare routine to maintain results?
  • Can the Cosmelan Pack be used in conjunction with other skincare products?
  • How many sessions of the Cosmelan treatment are typically needed to see results?
  • Is the Cosmelan Pack suitable for all skin types and tones?

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