At Desertcart, we are working with a target to break the international shopping barriers for our local customers and make such products available globally for them and deliver directly to their doorsteps. Desertcart is proud to call itself the largest retailer of consumer products in the MENA Region, showcasing millions of products and their variations from many major brands. We aim to provide items at prices that put your everyday retailer to shame. Ranging from electronics to apparel to you...


Who we are

Welcome to, your ultimate destination for hassle-free international shopping! We are a premium service designed to make your online shopping experience seamless and cost-effective. With Desertcart Pro, you can shop from US, UK, UAE, and India websites and have your favorite products shipped directly to your doorstep in the UAE. Our goal is to provide our valued members with unlimited free deliveries on Desertcart purchases, access to an Assistant feature for easy shopping on any website, and an Address for direct shipping from four different countries.

What we Do

Desertcart Pro eliminates common shopping hurdles such as high shipping fees, unavailable international shipping, and surprise duties and taxes. As a Pro member, you can shop from any website worldwide using our Assistant extension, which handles shipping, inspection, and delivery for you. You will also have access to your own Address in four countries for direct shipping. We calculate shipping charges based on volumetric weight to ensure fair pricing for both the sender and the shipping company. Our aim is to get most items within 3-4 days of receiving them at any of our hubs.

Why you should use us

By becoming a Desertcart Pro member, you can enjoy the most competitive shipping rates available and top-notch service. We offer unbeatable international shipping fees and exceptional service to ensure the ultimate online shopping experience for our members. With our Self Ship service exclusively available to Pro members, you can rest assured that your packages will be handled with care and delivered to you efficiently. Our subscription model allows us to offer reduced shipping rates and eliminate common shopping obstacles, making your international shopping experience seamless and worry-free.

What can you ask?

  • How can I become a Desertcart Pro member?
  • What are the benefits of a Pro membership?
  • How do I track my packages?
  • Can I cancel my Pro membership at any time?
  • Are there any restrictions on items I can purchase through Desertcart Pro?
  • What should I do if my package arrives damaged or is lost during shipping?

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