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Talk360 is your one-stop source for cheap international calling plans to Nigeria, created with the goal of helping you stay in touch with all of your friends and family around the world. Use the Talk360 calling app to Call Nigeria. The prefix for calling to Nigeria is 234. Download Talk360 today!


Who We Are

At, we are dedicated to making international calling to Nigeria easier and more cost-effective for our customers. We understand the importance of staying in touch with friends and family abroad, which is why we have developed a calling app that allows you to connect with your loved ones in Nigeria at low per-minute rates. Our goal is to provide a seamless and reliable calling experience for all our users, ensuring that distance is no longer a barrier to communication.

What We Do offers a unique calling app that simplifies the process of making international calls to Nigeria. With our app, you can easily call both landline and mobile numbers in Nigeria at affordable rates. One of the key features that sets us apart from other calling apps is our free test call option. This allows you to experience the quality of international calls with Talk360 before making a purchase, ensuring that you are satisfied with the service.

Unlike many other calling apps, the receiver does not need internet connectivity or the Talk360 app installed to receive calls. This makes it convenient for both parties involved in the call. Additionally, Talk360 does not require a contract or a new SIM card, as you can use your existing phone number as the caller ID. Our app is compatible with Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, or 5G connections, making it accessible to users with varying network capabilities.

Why You Should Use Us

There are several reasons why you should choose for your international calling needs. Firstly, we offer competitive per-minute rates for calls to Nigeria, ensuring that you can stay connected without breaking the bank. Our free test call option allows you to try out the service before committing to a purchase, giving you peace of mind about the quality of our calls.

Furthermore, our app does not require the receiver to have internet connectivity or the Talk360 app installed, making it convenient for both parties involved in the call. With Talk360, you can call both landline and mobile numbers in Nigeria, ensuring that you can reach your loved ones no matter where they are. Additionally, our app is easy to use and does not require a contract or a new SIM card, simplifying the calling process for our users.

What Can You Ask?

  • How can I make a free test call with Talk360?
  • What are the per-minute rates for calling Nigeria with Talk360?
  • Do I need internet connectivity to use the Talk360 app?
  • How do I call landline numbers in Nigeria using Talk360?
  • Can I use my existing phone number as the caller ID with Talk360?
  • How can I earn free credit by sharing the Talk360 app with a friend?

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