Baack's Flowers & More is a local florist with same-day flower delivery in Abilene, TX. Their flower shop has been proudly catering to the area of Abilene for many years, designing flower arrangements for any type of celebration. Get all your floral and gift needs at Baack's Flowers & More! For more info, Please call (325) 692-7763. We're located at 1842 Matador St, Abilene, TX 79605, United States.


Who we are

At, we are your local florist in Abilene, TX, dedicated to providing the highest quality of fresh flowers and hand-crafted bouquet arrangements. With a passion for detail and a commitment to creating beautiful floral gifts for any occasion, Baack’s Flowers & More stands out as a top florist in the area. Our team takes pride in personally crafting each arrangement in-house and delivering them with care to ensure that your recipient receives fresh and stunning flowers every time.

What we Do

When you shop flowers online with Baack’s Flowers & More, you can expect a wide selection of bouquet arrangements for every unique occasion. Whether you are celebrating an Anniversary, Birthday, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day, we have the perfect floral design for you. Our website makes it easy to browse through our offerings and order flowers online through a secure checkout page. In addition to our ready-made arrangements, we also offer custom bouquet options and gift baskets to suit your special occasion.

Baack’s Flowers & More not only provides flower delivery in Abilene but also serves nearby areas such as HawleyTye, Clyde, Potosi, Baird, Cisco, Merkel, Buffalo Gap, and Tuscola. For those who are looking to send flowers outside of our local area, we offer nationwide delivery through our reliable florist network. We understand that sometimes you may need a last-minute gift, which is why we provide same-day flower delivery for your convenience in Abilene, TX.

Why you should use us

There are many reasons why you should choose Baack’s Flowers & More for all your floral needs. Firstly, our commitment to quality and attention to detail ensures that every bouquet is created with care and precision. We take the time to personalize each arrangement, making sure that it is tailored to your specific occasion and preferences. Secondly, our convenient online ordering system makes it easy for you to browse through our selection and place an order from the comfort of your own home. With secure checkout and reliable delivery options, you can trust that your flowers will arrive on time and in pristine condition. Lastly, our friendly and knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you with any questions or special requests you may have. We strive to provide excellent customer service and ensure that your experience with us is seamless and enjoyable.

What can you ask?

  • What occasions do you provide floral arrangements for?
  • Do you offer custom bouquet options?
  • Can I request a specific flower or color for my arrangement?
  • How far in advance do I need to place an order for delivery?
  • Do you provide same-day flower delivery in Abilene, TX?
  • Can I include a personalized message with my floral gift?

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