
We build natural eco ponds and waterfalls. We design the water features as per the clients garden space. We create a natural eco system using aquatic plants, bio-filters, and natural rocks to naturally filter the water and keep the pond clean. The pond requires very little maintenance given the pond cleans itself naturally. No chlorine or chemicals are used in our pond and the water is fish and animal safe . Business Address: Office 207, Building 10, Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE Business Ph...

About Aqualivin

Who we are

At Aqualivin, we are passionate about creating natural environments that are in perfect harmony with the landscape. Our team exclusively uses the patented SORGIVA system to design and build natural looking ponds with ecosystems that sustain aquatic plants, fish, and other species such as birds and butterflies. Each pond we create is unique and artistically designed to be a focal point of your property, visible from both inside and outside.

We believe in utilizing nature’s way of filtering water and maintaining a balanced ecosystem. By allowing animals, plants, and microbes to interact naturally within our ponds, we create a self-sustaining environment that requires very little maintenance. Our goal is to bring the beauty and tranquility of nature into your own backyard, providing you with a dynamic and living water garden that attracts a variety of species.

What we Do

Aqualivin specializes in designing and building natural looking ponds using the innovative SORGIVA system. Our ponds are carefully crafted to mimic the ecosystems found in nature, creating a harmonious environment where aquatic plants, fish, and other species can thrive. Each pond we create is a unique work of art, designed to enhance the beauty of your property and provide a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere.

Our water gardens are not only visually stunning but also environmentally friendly. By utilizing nature’s own processes for filtering water and maintaining a balanced ecosystem, we create ponds that require minimal maintenance. Whether you’re looking for a fountain, waterfall, or fully planted pond, we can design and build a water garden that suits your preferences and complements your outdoor space.

Why you should use us

There are several reasons why you should choose Aqualivin for your water garden needs.

  1. Expertise: Our team has extensive experience in designing and building natural looking ponds using the innovative SORGIVA system. We are committed to creating beautiful and functional water gardens that enhance the beauty of your property.

  2. Unique designs: Each pond we create is one-of-a-kind, designed to be a focal point of your property and visible from both inside and outside. Our artistic designs set us apart from other water garden companies.

  3. Minimal maintenance: Our ponds are self-sustaining ecosystems that require very little maintenance. With nature’s own processes at work, you can enjoy a beautiful and dynamic water garden without the hassle of constant upkeep.

  4. Environmental benefits: By creating natural looking ponds with ecosystems that sustain aquatic plants, fish, and other species, we contribute to the preservation of local wildlife and biodiversity. Our water gardens provide a habitat for birds, butterflies, and other species, helping to create a more sustainable environment.

What can you ask?

Visitors to Aqualivin may have questions about our products and services. Here are some examples of what you can ask us:

  • How does the SORGIVA system work?
  • What kinds of aquatic plants are suitable for my water garden?
  • Do you offer maintenance services for water gardens?
  • Can you customize a pond design to fit my specific outdoor space?
  • What types of fish are compatible with a water garden ecosystem?
  • How long does it take to build a natural looking pond?
  • Are your products environmentally friendly?

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