Wescan Insurance Brokers

Wescan Insurance Brokers helps small/medium business owners to get affordable group benefits plans in Calgary AB. Call 403-903-2898. Get low-cost group benefits plans and employee benefits.- Affordable Group Benefits Calgary, Edmonton & Alberta via WesCan Insurance Broker

About Wescan Insurance Brokers

Who we are

Welcome to Wescan Insurance Brokers, your trusted source for affordable group benefits plans in Calgary, Alberta. Our independent brokerage specializes in providing employee benefits for small and medium-sized businesses in the area. With a focus on reducing costs and increasing benefits for your employees, we are dedicated to helping you create a sustainable and cost-effective plan that meets your unique needs.

What we Do

At Wescan Insurance Brokers, we understand the challenges facing employers and plan sponsors in today’s market. With escalating costs and the need to provide competitive benefits to attract and retain top talent, we offer a range of strategies to help you optimize your current plan. From implementing cost-saving measures to enhancing the overall value of your benefits package, we work closely with you to ensure that your employees are well taken care of.

Employee benefits play a crucial role in attracting and retaining qualified staff, especially in a competitive job market. By offering a comprehensive benefit plan, you not only demonstrate your commitment to your employees’ well-being but also improve productivity and morale within your organization. With Wescan Insurance Brokers, you can provide your employees with peace of mind knowing that they have access to quality insurance coverage for themselves and their families.

Why you should use us

There are many reasons why you should choose Wescan Insurance Brokers for your group benefits needs. Here are just a few of the advantages of working with us:

For Employers:

  • Recruit and Retain Qualified Employees: By offering competitive benefits, you can attract and retain top talent in your industry.
  • Manage High-Risk Coverage: Employee benefits help manage high-risk coverage at low costs, easing the financial burden on your company.
  • Improve Productivity: Employees are more effective when they have security for themselves and their families, leading to increased productivity.
  • Tax Deductible Premiums: Premiums for employee benefits are tax-deductible as a corporation expense, resulting in savings for your organization.

For Employees:

  • Peace of Mind: Employees experience peace of mind knowing that they and their families are protected in case of any mishap.
  • Income Replacement: Personal life and disability insurance provide additional protection, including income replacement in the event of serious illness or disability.
  • Pride and Satisfaction: Employees feel a sense of pride in their employer when they are satisfied with the coverage they receive.

As an employer or plan sponsor, providing employee benefits that meet the diverse needs of your workforce is key to creating a positive work environment. At Wescan Insurance Brokers, we offer strategies and processes to help you achieve this goal and make your employees feel valued and appreciated.

What can you ask?

When considering your group benefits plan, you may have questions about how Wescan Insurance Brokers can help meet your specific needs. Here are some common questions you may want to ask us:

  • How can Wescan Insurance Brokers help me reduce costs while maintaining quality benefits for my employees?
  • What types of employee benefits packages do you offer, and how can they be customized to suit my company’s needs?
  • Can you provide examples of successful strategies you have implemented for other small/medium businesses in Calgary?
  • How does the tax-deductibility of premiums work for employers offering employee benefits?
  • What are the key advantages of corporate-owned life insurance for Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations?
  • How can employee benefits impact employee retention and productivity within my organization?
  • What ongoing support and services do you provide to ensure that our group benefits plan remains effective and competitive in the long term?

Feel free to reach out to us at Wescan Insurance Brokers with any questions you may have about our group benefits plans or how we can help you create a cost-effective and sustainable benefits package for your employees. We are here to support you every step of the way.

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