Carla Steffensmeier Professional Dog Breeder

Contact us to know more about the Carla Steffensmeier Dog Breeder. Who provides loving and loyal best friends for life. Also, cleared all the required inspections and participated in dog shows for 2020-21.

About Carla Steffensmeier Professional Dog Breeder

Who we are

Welcome to, the official home of Carla Steffensmeier, a professional dog breeder in West Point, IA. With over 20 years of experience in breeding quality puppies, Carla Steffensmeier is dedicated to promoting the highest ideals among dog owners and breeders.

Our mission is to continuously improve the breed within the framework of the approved breed standard. We follow the rules of good sportsmanship in all dog competitions and activities. We aim to educate novice exhibitors and owners, stay informed in the field of genetics, and work towards eliminating hereditary defects from the breed.

At, we provide our breeding adults and puppies with the best veterinary care, feeding programs, socialization, and exercise routines. We participate in ACA sanctioned dog shows and are committed to the well-being and happiness of our puppies.

What we Do

Carla Steffensmeier specializes in breeding high-quality puppies with a focus on genetic health and temperament. Our puppies are raised in a loving environment and are well-socialized from an early age. We believe that early socialization is crucial for the development of confident and happy dogs.

We offer a variety of services including puppy sales, consultations on breeding practices, and advice on puppy socialization. Our goal is to help new puppy owners navigate the challenges of raising a healthy and well-adjusted companion.

Whether you are looking to add a new furry member to your family or seeking guidance on breeding practices, is here to assist you every step of the way.

Why you should use us

Choosing for your puppy needs means choosing quality, experience, and dedication. With over two decades of experience in breeding puppies, Carla Steffensmeier has established a reputation for excellence in the field.

Our commitment to genetic health, socialization, and overall well-being sets us apart from other breeders. We provide ongoing support to our clients and ensure that every puppy finds a loving and caring forever home.

When you choose, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are getting a healthy and well-adjusted puppy from a reputable breeder who truly cares about the breed and the animals.

What can you ask?

  • What breeds do you specialize in?
  • Can I visit your facilities to see where the puppies are raised?
  • Do you provide health guarantees for your puppies?
  • How do you socialize your puppies before they are adopted?
  • Can you provide references from previous clients?
  • What kind of support do you offer to new puppy owners?
  • Do you participate in any dog shows or competitions?

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