
Find the best direct primary care physicians and top concierge doctors online. FindMyDirectDoctor is the most comprehensive resource to find concierge doctors and direct primary care doctors in the US.

About FindMyDirectDoctor

Who we are

At, we are dedicated to connecting individuals with top concierge doctors and direct primary care physicians across the United States. We believe in patient-centered healthcare that prioritizes quality, personalized care over rushed appointments and paperwork. Our platform offers exclusive and privileged access to a network of trusted doctors who provide high value healthcare to their patients.

What we Do

Our primary goal is to make it easy for individuals to find concierge doctors and direct primary care physicians who align with their healthcare needs and preferences. We provide a comprehensive resource that allows users to search for doctors based on location, specialty, and other criteria. Through our platform, patients can access doctors who offer peace of mind, priority access, and personalized care that goes beyond the traditional healthcare model.

Concierge medicine and direct primary care are models of healthcare that prioritize the patient-doctor relationship and focus on delivering high-quality, personalized care. By connecting individuals with doctors who practice these models, we aim to empower patients to take control of their health and well-being.

Why you should use us

There are several reasons why you should consider using to find a concierge doctor or direct primary care physician. First and foremost, our platform offers exclusive access to a network of trusted doctors who provide personalized care that is tailored to your individual needs. By choosing a concierge doctor or direct primary care physician through our platform, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your healthcare is in good hands.

Additionally, our network of doctors offers priority access to care, meaning that you won’t have to wait weeks or months for an appointment. Imagine having direct access to your doctor’s personal phone and email for urgent and unexpected needs, with no answering service or front desk call holds. This level of accessibility ensures that you can receive the care you need when you need it most.

Furthermore, the out of pocket premium membership fee for a concierge doctor or direct primary care physician is often less than what the average person spends on dining out each month. This fee is justified by the high value healthcare, lower wholesale drugs/labs pricing, and reduced insurance premiums that come with this model of care. By using, you can access quality healthcare that is affordable and tailored to your needs.

What can you ask?

  • How can I find a concierge doctor or direct primary care physician near me?
  • What services are typically included in a concierge medicine or direct primary care membership?
  • Can I schedule a consultation with a doctor before committing to a membership?
  • How does the pricing structure for concierge medicine and direct primary care work?
  • Are there any age restrictions or limitations on who can benefit from this type of healthcare?
  • Can I continue to see my specialist or receive emergency care if I choose to switch to a concierge doctor or direct primary care physician?
  • What makes the doctors in your network stand out from traditional healthcare providers?

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