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The website was merged with in July 2020. The content has been archived here for our readers to consume.

About Prohempoil

Who we are

Welcome to, your go-to resource for all things related to marijuana, CBD, and hemp. Founded in 2011, we have been providing trusted and non-biased information to consumers looking to educate themselves on these topics. Our mission is to build relationships with hemp oil consumers and CBD advocates worldwide. We are not here to push products we don’t believe in; instead, we aim to be the best CBD oil and hemp oil resource made for consumers, by consumers.

What we Do

At, we provide a plethora of information on CBD and hemp products. Our team of editors, passionate about the use of CBD products, test and review various brands to provide our readers with honest feedback. Our website is filled with detailed write-ups of different brands and products, all presented in a convenient format for easy consumption. We are not doctors or pharmacists; we are simply consumers who want to share our experiences and knowledge with others.

Why you should use us

When it comes to purchasing CBD and hemp products, research is key. At, we take the guesswork out of the equation by providing you with unbiased and up-to-date information. We cut through the marketing fluff and focus on the core aspects of each product, such as CBD content and customer satisfaction. Our reviews are raw and real because we personally pay for each product reviewed. While we may receive affiliate commissions from some purchases made through our site, rest assured that our reviews are based on our genuine experiences.

What can you ask?

Here are some examples of questions you can ask us:

  • What are the benefits of using CBD oil?
  • Can you recommend a reputable CBD brand for anxiety relief?
  • How do I know if a CBD product is high quality?
  • Are there any potential side effects of using hemp oil?
  • What is the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil?
  • How should I determine the right dosage of CBD for me?

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have, and we’ll be happy to assist you in your journey to finding the best CBD and hemp products for your needs.

Remember, at, our goal is to provide you with reliable information that you can use to make informed decisions about your health and wellness. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted resource in the world of CBD and hemp.

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