How to get my parents' trust back?

Ok, well I recently had an incident that involved swallowing pills and cutting my wrists and now my parents dont trust me to go out or anything. I always have parties to go to and now they wont let me out. What can I do?

Answer #1

Trust takes time to gain.

Your parents are doing what they think is best for you because they care deeply about your well-being. They are afraid of losing you and now feel they have to monitor your every move in case you get depressed again.

My first advice is patience. Next, communication.

I know it’s hard to open up to your parents but they need to know how you feel, why you think your ready to go out again. This is also an opportunity to ask them what they need from you and how you can gain their trust back. Try doing things with them for a few weekends or inviting your friends over instead of going out.

Last but not least, take good care of yourself. What you’ve been through is major and you need to figure out how to avoid this happening ever again. Talk to a someone you trust or a therapist, work out the problems that led up to your attempted suicide and learn how to effectively deal what was bothering you.

Answer #2

WOW! I think the best way to start is to open up with your parents and start talking to them about how you feel. Set a goal for yourself: “make my parents my friends” that way thney can know what is going on with you and pretty soon they will feel like that you can make the right choices.

Answer #3

You will have to show them that you can be trusted. Actions mean so much more than words. Eventually they will trust you again but you have to give it time. Trust is easy to lose quickly but takes a lot of time to earn back.

Answer #4

don’t be so immature. you live with your parents and obviously don’t pay bills. just sit this one out untill they start trusting you again. it won’t go on forever. tell them how you feel without getting into an argument. and start doing things that will make them think that you are matureing. get good grades, clean the house, things of that nature.

Answer #5

of course your parents won’t let you out. I mean, you tried to kill yourself! no offense, but I wouldn’t let you out of the house either. but there’s a saying: trust takes years to build and seconds to shatter. that saying is entirely true. take it from someone who’s abused their parents’ trust over and over, it takes a long time to rebuild it. just be patient and extra nice :]

Answer #6

my brother controlles my life last night he said to me : “As long as I am alive you will do what I say!” im in a big troubble I just want him to be friendly with me I want him to trust me he is totally controlling my life and he yells at me whatever I say to him and he sometimes hits me I hate it my parents dont understand me too I dont know what to do do you have any suggestion???PLEASE HELP ME PLEASEEE

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