How can I get her trust back?

Okay my cuzin and I came in the house 2 hours late and Weh was suppose to be in the house at 7 bhut weh came in at 9 and they juss keep saying 10 bhut it was 9 and I want to know how can I ghet mah family trust back.

Answer #1

I did call.. I called my aunt and she didnt tell mah parents that I called her and told her im running late and I tried to tell my parents that I did call but my aunt lied on me and said I didnt call her bhut I did and she the one who told them that we came in at 10 thats why they think it was 10

Answer #2

Unless your parents are delusional, I doubt that they would be saying that it was 10:00 if it was really 9:00.

Look, you did something really immature- you came two hours late not ten minutes and did you even bother calling them to let them know? If you didn’t, that was really inconsiderate and you caused them a lot of worry by your lack of responsibility. Getting their trust back will not be easy but next time, try getting home early. Or if you know that you will be late call ahead and let them know. All they want from you is some maturity.

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