Rocket Auto Haulers

Ship your vehicle by rail or truck with Rocket Auto Haulers. Most Reliable Vehicle shipping and car Transport services. Get a quick Quote.

About Rocket Auto Haulers

Who we are

At Car Shipping Canada, we are experts in vehicle transport and shipping. With Rocket Auto Haulers, you can trust us to safely and efficiently ship your car by rail or truck. We offer both enclosed train and open car hauler options to suit your needs. Our team is dedicated to providing the most reliable vehicle shipping and car transport services in Canada.

What we Do

Rocket Auto Haulers offers a cost-efficient solution for shipping your car. Our enclosed train option provides added protection from the elements, ensuring that your vehicle arrives in pristine condition. On the other hand, our open car hauler allows you to pack up to 300lbs of personal belongings in the vehicle, making it a convenient choice for many customers.

We specialize in elite enclosed car transport, offering a premium service that guarantees superior protection and security for your vehicle. With the capacity to transport up to 8 vehicles in a single enclosed trailer, we ensure that your car receives individualized attention and care during transit. Our goal is to provide a safe and stress-free door delivery experience for every customer.

Why you should use us

When it comes to shipping your vehicle, you want a company that you can trust. At Car Shipping Canada, we have built a reputation for reliability and excellence in the industry. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring that your car arrives at its destination safely and on time.

We understand that your vehicle is important to you, which is why we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care and protection during transit. Whether you choose our enclosed train or open car hauler option, you can rest assured that your car is in good hands with Rocket Auto Haulers.

With our competitive pricing and commitment to customer satisfaction, choosing Car Shipping Canada for your vehicle transport needs is an easy decision. Let us take the stress out of shipping your car and experience the difference that our top-notch service can make.

What can you ask?

  • How long does it take to ship a car with Rocket Auto Haulers?
  • What are the different options for shipping my vehicle?
  • Can I track the progress of my car during transit?
  • Are my personal belongings insured during shipping?
  • Do you offer door-to-door delivery services?
  • What sets Car Shipping Canada apart from other vehicle transport companies?

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