How can I prevent dry skin?

how can i prevent dry skin? apart from using petroleum jelly..

Answer #1

All the above: drinking enough water is crucial, putting lotion on after showers, with your skin still a little bit wet, so that the lotion can mix with the water and keep your skin moist, take a multi-vitamin, avoid too much alcohol, and always finish washing your hands or taking a shower with cool water, or at least room temperature, as hot water drys skin out. Good luck,


Answer #2

Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day, eat abundantly melon and cucmber , reduce or supress meat products, use a night cream with oxygen and collagen.

Answer #3

Really good answers here:

Answer #4

usee L0TSSS of lotiion when u gett off the showerr also puttiing baby oiil afterr showers HELPS AL0T!!! sooo remember M0iSTURiZEE=]

Answer #5

lotin or lotin that is speical for dry skin

Answer #6

Use day moisteriser cream :) works for me.

Answer #7

lotion of course. always put it on after you shower, before you go to bed, etc. that should help. =D

Answer #8

If you can afford it, every once in a while a real milk bath helps too.

Answer #9

Hah. My advice sucks compared to everyone else’s. >_<

Answer #10

Like they said drink lots of water take your vitamins and i liek to use a thick moisturizer and put it on after you get out of the shower because water and especially hot water dries the skin i do this morning and night and in between just as much as you want or need till you feel soft also for the feet or elbows my grandma told me to put either vaseline or coco butter even crisco on thick then wear socks over it WORKS!! good luck

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