Do you feel that the Martin Luther King Jr statue should be changed?

I was down in DC for a bit and I came across this statue of Martin Luther King Jr. Do you feel that this picture is an accurate depiction of who Martin Luther advocated or rather, who he was?

Answer #1

There is no picture or I would answer your question(:

Answer #2

Funny you mention that, I tried a few times to get a picture in but it doesn’t seem to be my day on here :/ I’ll see if I can supply a picture in the form of an answer.

Answer #3

Thank you:)

Answer #4

The statue/monument for Martin Luther King.

Answer #5

Honestly, I dont give a flying f-ck about Martin King, what he stood for, or what he was trying to accomplish so they can erect a statue of him with a pen!s in his mouth and it wouldnt be a problem with me.

Answer #6

So you’re just indifferent about the entire subject then?

Answer #7

I’m guessing by the facial expressions on the statues face that he wasn’t happy about civil rights? Well I think that the statue shuld stay because it symbolizes an important African American figure in the history of the Untied States. The Civil Rights movements were very important and without them who knows where we would be today? I also think it should stay there becasue when everyone is gone who really knows about his movements who’s going to remeber to celebrate MLK day and teach everyone about the important things he accomplished in his life before he was assinated.

Answer #8

I firmly agree with all the points your making but what I feel is that this statue is making him to seem as a stern figure, which really doesn’t reflect the peace loving man he was when he was alive. And, the quote to the side of him, “I was a drum major for justice peace and righteousness” is contradicting the statue itself. He’s alone on that statue, with no one beside him, how can he be a part of the band then?

I’m all for a statue of the great man he was, but at the same time, it seems to me that this statue isn’t doing the man any justice at all.

Answer #9

I support the idea of having a MLK memorial but I don’t feel it should be a large statue of him… I feel that it should be a site where people can come and be at peace with themselves more like a park, a place where people can enjoy the FREEDOM he so dearly wanted everyone to share. Not that MLK wasn’t a great man, but his accomplishments are being shared with those of men who created this country and those that fought to defend it.

Answer #10

Appears to be an accurate rendering to me….

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