barack obama and martin luther king

if dr martin luther king were still alive today, would he feel his dream has been relized? whay of why not? provide supporting deatils,examples,facts or opinion end with a conclusion of final summary

Answer #1

I remember the speech where Dr King said: ‘A man should be judged by the ‘Content of his character’, not the ‘Color of his skin’ - no doubt he would be very pleased to see a black man ascend to the Presidency.

Answer #2

Amblessed why do you always say that?

No ones JUDGING him by the ‘color of his skin’.
Obama’s a very smart man.

I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be very proud of Obama and how blacks and whites came together to vote for the best person for the job.

I’m not doing your homework for you though.

Answer #3

Amblessed, without looking it up, please give me another quote from Dr. King. You seem to have so much respect for him, I would love to hear some other quotes…

Answer #4

I think he would be very pleased with the progress being made. I also think he would agree that there is still more to do. Once we see skin color as no different than hair or eye color, then his dream will have been realized.

Answer #5

martin luther kings dream was that people would live together in equality… I think the fact we all treat each other equally is proof enough his dream has come true…

O_o we arent going to write a summary because we aint going to write a 2 page answer…

Answer #6

end with a conclusion

You copied & pasted that from your home work? Try reading through what people have said here already…you’ll get a good sense of people’s opinions.

Answer #7

yeah im not doin your homework for ya..sorry…bu ti think he’d be happy with it, I think he’d be happier if obama makes it through it…thers been threats and gun sales going up, so I have to say im worried bout his life…but I think MLK would be proud and pleased with it, that America has elected an black president. I think he would feel that equal is more and more filling our nation.

Answer #8

this is to the post above me: ^ ^ ^

um, just for starters OBAMA is not fully black!

he is just as much as white as he is black.

why are you so dang ignorant??

get your facts straight before you try to teach anyone else!!

thanks! :)

-rachhh. <3

Answer #9

‘A man should be judged by the ‘Content of his character’, not the ‘Color of his skin’ - no doubt he would be very pleased to see a black man ascend to the Presidency.

I can see what you, amblessed, are trying to say. But surely you cant deny that Obama has good character, or that he is a freakin smart black man? That does not contradict your view that Obama is “not right for America”

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