Wth is he thinking?

Okaaay… so the guy Donnie that I have talked about a few times already on here… well he and I recently became “just friends.” (when we were expected to start becoming an actual couple to not only his friends but possibly a few of mine)

The thing is that he REALLY liked me a lot he even told me he loved me at one point and always was nervous around me. We were very shy towards each other so we mainly just smiled at one another and texted. And then things fell apart fast I guess and we became “just friends.” This happened on April 1st, and no, it was not a joke. Well just last Friday I guess he and this girl (ummm lets call her Carla) just started dating… his first girlfriend. Lets just say she is very LOUD, rude, pretty big (much bigger than me AND him put together, no offense to her) has very curly poodle like blonde hair and isn’t very pretty… NOBODY including myself knows why he went out with her over me??? I am not being mean I just don’t get it… at all. I heard that she just wants to date him to see how big IT is. Lol yeah a bit of tmi but thats what I heard. I dont know if he knows that but yeah, if he does I think it may be because he thinks she will “put out” if ya know what I mean. She’s kinda like that and I’m deffinitley not. My friend told me that she asked David, (her boyfriend) “Why would Donnie pick her over Chelsea?!?!?” She asked him because David is his best friend and she thought he might know. David said, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because everyone was pressuring him to ask her out so quickly.?” (meaning me, since his friends and brother wwere always telling him to ask me out alreday!)

Anyone have any ideas? I dont get it. And nobody else seems to get it either. I think he knows he made a mistake though, just because sometimes he looks at me and when the song “Echo” By: Gorilla Zoe comes on in art class he covers his ears and goes, “ugh I hate this song…” and if you dont know what the song is about, well look up the lyrics.

Thanks to anyone who reads this and took the time to answer!

Answer #1

us guys are really stupid, we dont relize that we have someone better right infront of us. just give it a little time and try and show him how you are better than ‘Carla’ and he should come to his sences

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