Would you say true or false ?

Would you say this is true or false - Evil ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man ?

Answer #1

Jesus has many names, ‘Son of man’ is one of them:

Mat 9:6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

Answer #2

Like ALL of us, God will judge them before His thrown - EVERY knee shall bow (even Satan) - I’m surprised you didn’t already know this.

Answer #3

We are all sinners - I am a sinner saved by grace - that grace being the blood of Jesus which covers my sin, to be remembered no more - when God looks at me, He doesn’t see sin (because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, I’m covered by His blood - He has bought me witha price) - I have no idea what He sees when He looks at your life or anyone elses - I know what He sees when He looks at mine - I’m not perfect, but I am forgiven, are you saved captain ?

Answer #4

Easily true.

and silverwings… you should start shortening your answers… I cant say I’ve made it all the way through one yet. they give me a headache.

Answer #5

Yes Happy thanksgiving. - A legal national holiday set forth by Lincoln to be a day of prayer to gives thanks for our many blessings.

Answer #6

If your going to quote something, write it in NEW English & try and explain how your quote, answers any questions. I have thousands of books, but I don’t just pull random sentences out of them in some vain attempt to make sense of things…use your brain.

Answer #7

Quote after quote, Jesus has been dead for over 2000 years…get over it. Grave robbers sole his body, he didn’t get up and walk out…my opinion of course

Answer #8

So everyone is EVIL if they don’t believe in GOD? What a load of baloney. Christians have probably destroyed more men on EARTH than any group of deluded individuals…onward Christian soldiers!!!

Answer #9

So no matter what we write he has his own answer for everything. If you know the answer and have a closed mind to reality, why bother. Ignorance to today…he lives in a world 2000 years ago. Bit like if I had a book about the world, also written by men still telling you all the misguided contents. Dont get me wrong the bible IS full of good things…its just very outdated. And I still don’t believe the Earth was created in 7 days…days wouldn’t exist without the Earth rotating and moving around the Sun, did God have a wrist watch…who was timing him anyway?

Answer #10

oh and when I said “funadvice that bullsht” I meant thats bullsht like that christians cause a lot more murders in history and what else you said

Answer #11

but I gota say amblessed you need to stop preaching the bible like that. maybe instead of always quoting bible verses you should give some prove that the bible is true and god exists without all this faith stuff. not everybody believes what you do so quoting the bible is not gona help.

Answer #12

funadvice that bullsh*t. I am not saying everyone who is not a christian is evil. hitler, stalin and a lot of other professing athiest are some of histories biggets murderers. and yes a lot of so called christians have interprited the bible wrong. they were morons

Answer #13

amblessed>>>Thank you for providing an excellent example:

What a load of baloney. Christians have probably destroyed more men on EARTH than any group of deluded individuals…<<<

An excellent example of TRUTH, if you read history as well as the bible.

*Note - I didn’t say Christians were deluded. But by saying this is an excellent example, you are implying Christians ARE actually evil.

It’s rather ironic that a religion which so publicly proclaims Absolute Love as its basis should, over the course of history, spawn so much unmitigated hatred and violence. Is it simply that Christianity is a failure in inspiring better conduct from otherwise hopelessly evil human beings, or is there some aspect of Christianity which in fact encourages or promotes some of the baser aspects of human behavior? Perhaps it is a bit of both. It is not difficult to see why discussion of the relationship of violence and Christianity is controversial. When asked whether Christianity supports violence and is a violent religion, does one answer “Of course – look at the crusades, the multiple blessings of wars, warrior popes, support for capital punishment, corporal punishment under the guise of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child,’ justifications of slavery, world-wide colonialism in the name of conversion to Christianity, the systemic violence of women subjected to men, and more”? Or does one respond, “Of course not – look at Jesus, the beginning point of Christian faith, who is worshiped as ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’ whose Sermon on the Mount taught nonviolence and love of enemies; who faced his accusers nonviolently and then died a nonviolent death; whose nonviolent teaching inspired the first centuries of pacifist Christian history and was subsequently preserved in the justifiable war doctrine that declares all war as sin even when declaring it occasionally a necessary evil, and in the prohibition of fighting by monastics and clergy as well as in a persistent tradition of Christian pacifism”? But these answers are apparently contradictory. Does one of them trump the other? Or might there be yet another answer??? What is the object of the death of Jesus? The answer is not God but rather the honor of God. However, can God’s honor exist apart from God? I think not. And it is clearly evident that although this image does not picture the death of Jesus in terms of punishment, the death of Jesus is still directed Godward, and needs to be directed Godward. If it is not directed Godward, then nothing salvific has happened. Then, Who orchestrates or arranges the scenario that produces the Godward-directed death of Jesus that pays the debt to God’s honor? Putting the devil in charge would align his action with the will of God, which constitutes a logical impossibility. Further, it cannot be sinful human beings who arrange the scenario – if it were, they would be saving themselves. Thus the only remaining answer is that it is God who has arranged the scenario that produced the Godward-directed death of Jesus in order to repay the honor of God and restore order in the universe. The answers to these questions make clear that just as surely as does penal substitution, the image of payment of a debt to God’s honor, is a scenario in which God is left as the organizer of Jesus’ death. God is the only one who can arrange salvation, who arranged the plan by which the Son pays the penalty of death that results in the salvation of sinful humankind. And further, the assumption underlying this atonement motif is that doing justice or righting wrong depends on the violence of punishment.

Answer #14

…or he just doesn’t have a firm understanding of what ‘evil’ really is.

Answer #15

100% !!! true

Answer #16

He could of said “Enemys of the Kingdom of Heaven which Jesus is King of.”. . .I guess Evil was a lot simpler and less long winded.

Answer #17

Maybe Evil wants us to believe that. . . :)

Answer #18

Last warning BACK ON SUBJECT.

Answer #19

Nope. I prefer to be SMART.

Answer #20

What about all the tele-evagelists who USED God’s word to make a fortune and manipulate people?

Answer #21


…maybe evil invented religion. - _ -

Answer #22

then again maybe he does.

Answer #23

Moronic, more like…

Answer #24

why dont you try something more sensible

Answer #25

Yeah, sounds Biblical, doesn’t it ?

Answer #26

Like ALL of us, God will judge them before His thrown - EVERY knee shall bow (even Satan) - I’m surprised you didn’t already know this.

Poor retort, and this has nothing to do with the question. You asked…

*Would you say this is true or false - Evil ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man?

Since you use the term ‘evil’ very very loosely, I’m speaking from the assumption that you’d view these ‘tele-evangelist’ that I mentioned as ‘evil’ too. Since they were in fact, using God’s word (not discrediting it), but using it as a tool to gain riches and manipulate people; the correct answer would be FALSE.

There are also evil people in the world, who know nothing of God. So how can they discredit something without knowing it?

Answer #27

Many excellent examples of the question asked in this thread - not intentionally revealed, but revealed nonetheless - evidence reveals - answer is ‘True’.

Answer #28

Thank you for providing an excellent example:

What a load of baloney. Christians have probably destroyed more men on EARTH than any group of deluded individuals…<<<

Answer #29

Sorry I inadvertently overlooked your entry - >>> they are sinners <<< not different than anyone else and will not be excused just because they talked the talk and mislead/cheated many - like all of us, they’ll have to give an account of their actions at the judgment seaf of God…again, sorry for the oversight - Happy Thanksgiving !!

Please notice I said they were ‘sinners’ - don’t know how I could be any more clear - obviously, a sinner is evil - a saint not evil - what they did is not consistant with being a saved person - a saved person strives to please God in ALL that they say and do…hope this helps.

Answer #30

What about all the tele-evagelists who USED God’s word to make a fortune and manipulate people?

Sorry I inadvertently overlooked your entry - they are sinners not different than anyone else and will not be excused just because they talked the talk and mislead/cheated many - like all of us, they’ll have to give an account of their actions at the judgment seaf of God…again, sorry for the oversight - Happy Thanksgiving !!

Answer #31

I’m not perfect, but I am forgiven…says who?

Answer #32

Please forgive me lord for all my sins…please come in to my heart…HELLO? All I get is a dial tone…as he sits on his throne, eating take-away.

Answer #33

True. . . .

Answer #34

Now the Christians are ganging up on me…typical

I am not EVIL nor am I trying to DESTROY man, by discrediting GOD’S words …which were actually written by MEN not GOD …no matter what colour they are painted in the bible, man wrote them. It’s obvious that unless we argee with the statement, you don’t want to listen to anyone, typical Christian behaviour.


Answer #35

Very true.

Answer #36

Since you failed to respond to the ‘tele-evangelist’ comment… you’re wrong, again.

The only reason you started this thread, is to thump. To gather people who share your opinion (since you need CONSTANT reaffirmation of your views), and indirectly label (because of your inadequacies in debate) those with a different opinion as ‘evil’ …which is pointless.

You don’t know evil, you’ve never met evil, and the day you finally DO encounter evil… you won’t see it coming.

So, instead of poor attempts at variety, just start another ‘Who’s A Christian?” thread. That way, you’re more likely to get ONLY answers you like, answers that coincide with your extremely narrow and filtered existence; which is all you want in the first place…

Answer #37

I don’t think God would care about the concept of ‘time’ …since its a man-made unit of measurement.

Answer #38

Back on Subject!!! Would you say this is true or false - Evil ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man ?

Answer #39


I think of it more as a celebration of rememberance, marking the success of early settlers, by tricking the Native Americans into giving them food and land.

  • shakes head *
Answer #40

…I mean…FALSE :) Happy Thanksgiving!! (Whatever that means)

Answer #41


…always avoiding the issue at hand. So, would you call them… evil?

Answer #42

Satans and Gods…what we have are humans, humans and their wondrous imaginations.

Answer #43

False. I don’t feel evil ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man. I feel EVIL’s mission in life was to rule the world!

Answer #44

Actually. . . . Um Never mind I won’t open that can of worms here. . . Now get back on topic.

Answer #45

Nope… having a state of mind, where everything you don’t agree with is ‘evil’ …is just incorrect.

Answer #46

Absolutely… True !!!

Answer #47

I keep hearing people bringing up how evil the Christians are that are guilty of atrocities in the history of the church… and all evil is blamed… on the church… however, truth be told… Jesus did not teach anyone to kill anyone… nor did he teach any kind of violence whatsoever… what he did teach is to give no place to evil in our hearts… to turn the other cheek, when we are violated, to forgive.. over and over… and over… to an extreme… NO where in the bible will you find Jesus teaching his people to be violent, nor to harm anyone, or anything… Yet… all we hear about is what Satan has done thru men in power, clothed in what appeared to be the garment of the church, when in fact, it had nothing to do with Jesus teaching… whatsoever… yet.. he was blamed… for the actions… of certain… men… under the influence of Satan.. the great deceiver… and Gods word is sullied… not because of what it says, or produces in a mans heart.. but, what Satan has done with it.. over the years… to discredit it, and to make it of none effect… when all one has to do, if they really want to wage a crusade against something, is to see the truth… of which we were warned… false teachers… etc… coming in to distort the pure truth of what God taught, in his word… it is almost funny… to see what the minds of men… apart from Christ.. come up with… they are shadow boxing… something that is not even there… blaming the real… for the false… and not even seeing the truth… Wowo… Amazing!!!

Answer #48

Sensei… if you truly wanted to be saved.. you will be… you have to take God at his word.. and live accordingly, whether you hear from him or not. Some do, some don’t. but, faith is faith, so, if you are or were sincere, then you will take the next step, and that is to find a Christian fellowship group, or a church, or a group of believers to join your self with, because, it is not Gods will for you to walk alone, he always wants to put us in with others of like spirit, so that we can be nurtured and grow in the faith, and also, you need to be baptised… and then start learning the word, so… did you just give lip service to the sinners prayer, or were you in fact, truthful in your repentance? Only you and God know the answer to that… we have to accept you at face value, and watch to see what kind of fruit grows on your tree afterward, as it speaks volumes about what is in one soul. You speak with your mouth, and walk with your actions.. So, What will it be??? If you are sincere, then, at some point, I am sure that God will reveal himself to you, however, he may require that you prove your self first.
It is always very nice to have “an experience “, with God, but, not essential to salvation, however, a heart change is… called being born again… from above.. a change in prespective, and thinking and attitudes, and desires, not all at once, but slowly that will take place, if you truly meant what you said, and it was not just lip service. If you are real, welcome to the Kingdom… if not, shame on you…

Answer #49

Please notice I said they were ‘sinners’ - don’t know how I could be any more clear - obviously, a sinner is evil - a saint not evil - what they did is not consistant with being a saved person - a saved person strives to please God in ALL that they say and do

Oh, so SINNERS are evil now too, eh? Okay… let’s write a formula… for fun…

sinner = evil

And everyone sins… so…

everyone = evil

And according to YOU… Evil ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man

Sooo… [Everyone ALWAYS seeks to discredit God’s Word and destroy man]

Okay… so how have YOU discredited God’s Word lately?

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