Will we last?

Ok so me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year we’re both 15! And madly in love :) but I really want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know he wants that too. But is it possible that teenage romances can last?

My aunt and uncle got together when they were in first year and are now in their 50’s! And married! But is this just a one off case?

Answer #1

Yes, you should be prepared for the worst, but never think of it as impending. Typically thinking about a relationship’s end can have a negative impact on your relationship. It depends on what kind of person you are. Do not become pessimistic! If you must think about a relationship’s end, be realistic and try not to speculate. It can actually be counterproductive.

Answer #2

please just always prepare for the worst. even though you may not be separated by a broke up relationship, there’s still thing like I.e. death. don’t think about it too much, just keep on the whole loving thing. all my good wishes for you.

Answer #3

Statistics are against you, but it’s definitely possible. Try and accept change when it happens, as a relationship grows with you. Loyalty, respect for one another, lots of understanding and mature communication to resolve problems are key to a successful relationship. As long as the two of you share the same view, then why not? Good luck! :)

Answer #4

honestly it’s too soon to tell

Answer #5

A lot of people get paranoid about their relationships not lasting and start thinking about what they’ll do if it doesn’t. It is negative thinking that can actually bring the relationship to an end. One thing is to not think about the end. As mysterywolf said, statistics suggest that the chances of your relationship lasting aren’t great, but you are not a statistic.

As you said, your uncle and aunty have been together for a long time. Times change and people change and if your relationship can adapt to the changes that both you and your partner make to yourselves and each other then you stand a good chance of being together for some time. Realistically, it is the quality of the time that you spend together and not the quantity anyway.

You can set a good foundation for a longer future together by talking to your partner about certain potentially threatening topics. Sex is one topic that is always good to talk about (just so you both know what each other’s desires/ thoughts on the matter are), fighting (tell your partner that talking should never need to turn into shouting), etc. Just remember that if you are able to accept and embrace your partner as they grow older, you are paving the way for a healthy relationship. Men can be just as senstive as women, so if you tear him right, he will feel how much you care about him.

Being optimistic about relationships is always good and the fact that you want to spend a long time together is great. It’s always a bad move though to start talking about getting married and having children. Just go with the flow and respect/ cherish your partner and you two will do fine. Really good luck to you two!

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