Why doesn't God intervene?

Why doesnt God cure amputees, cancer patients, and disease? If God is really the “Father in Heaven” and answer each prayer like Jesus says. Why doesnt he feed the tens of millions who starve each year?

We pray for intervention.

Answer #1

Natruel selection is not quite right…

As for why doesn’t a God intervene, maybe because God is non-existant.. lol, hmm why don’t aliens intervene if the could, lol.

Answer #2

III, you seem like a young person in search of answers, I commend you for that.

When God gave Adam and Eve free will, He didn’t take it back when they chose to sin. With sin in our world, God had to allow it to run it’s course. If He had just destroyed the innocent pair right there in the garden, the rest of God’s creations, angels…they would have obeyed Him out of fear, not love.

God is waiting until our nation makes void His laws, like the Bible says, then He will come. It is very close right now. The Ten Commandments are slowly being taken out of public areas, prayer in schools is gone, there has been a huge crackdown on all and anything Christian, the world is stating more and more that we will become a “One World Government” and when that happens, it’s all over…soon He will come..

Answer #3

domzilla’s answer is great, and so is silverwings’. God has given us incredible resources to look after ourselves and each other. He has also given us rules about how to do that. Both atheists and Christians are prone to overlook the Old and New Testament passages where God states how much He hates injustice and loves the poor.

I can’t agree with your statement, lll, that humans do all they can to stop it. Every time we have a war instead of putting money into healthcare, there will be more amputees and less cancer care. Even little actions can make things better or worse - every time you and I buy non-organic bananas we are accepting the birth of more babies with cleft palates to banana workers…

So if we pray for intervention, as you say, but somehow think that God will handle that without involving us (and by ‘us’ I mean both individuals and nations) then we are really missing His point.

Answer #4

Why doesnt God cure amputees, cancer patients, and disease? If God is really the ‘Father in Heaven’ and answer each prayer like Jesus says. Why doesnt he feed the tens of millions who starve each year?

Your rong God has cured MANY people!!! Allot have not asked and this is earth he gave every one free will now I know you wud probably say well these people dont chose to starve they have no choice and your right they dont but god gave us fre will which means we do what he please and if there gov choose not to feed them thats their sin… If they called apon god and trully kne him god wud help but many simply dont know

we have two hand and two feet why does god have to do it he created you didnt he I dont see you going to africa to help them after all you are one of his children are you not?

Answer #5

Sin, and sickness and brokeness are all a part of our fallen world. God works where he is invited. He does not intervene, if he is not asked. Many of our questions, will just have to wait until we see him, to ask him.

He set this world up to live by faith, that is his requirements. When we pray and believe, he moves. He does not always give us what we want. sometimes we have to accept his answers, whether they are to our liking or not.

We are each to do our best. Mother Teresa spent her entire life, working with the poor, and sick of this world. The ones that no one else wanted to deal with. She was not able to stop the poverty or sickness, but, she did what she could to help everyone within her power.

WE are to do the same.

If you will concentrate on what ever part of this world that bothers you the most, and spend your lifetime in prayer, you will see changes. Gurantee it.

I think there could have been more done, on this earth, but, the church, the body of Christ is way too complacent. We have each been called to work in the kingdom. We each have talents and abilities, and the master desires all that we have to work for him.

It is his will to do all within our power, and to illicit his help, in areas that concern us. He wants to show himself strong, on behalf of any that will trust him.

What can you believe him for??

Make it big… and don’t put him in a box… he is too big for that.

If you can see it, he can make it happen.

I believe that.

Answer #6

Were only supposed to pray for his will, not to feed starving people or cure cancer patients. God doesn’t do for us what we can do for ourselves. If all of humanity came together and put forth the effort no one would starve. Cancer can be avoided sometimes by living healthy sometimes it’s unavoidable, the material world is imperfect genetic defects can lead to cancer. But these are tests, and there are reasons people get things like cancer. Maybe a cancer patient one day says something in a hospital which is overheard by a second or third person which is repeated to a fourth and it just so happens that its the exact thing that person needed to hear to keep from commiting suicide. He works in odd ways which you can never hope to follow or understand. Thats why he wants us to pray only for his will and not our own. “God is a comedian playing for an audience thats too afraid to laugh” (Voltaire)

Answer #7

Hi, Lll. I’m really impressed that this is the question that got you angry enough to ‘show your hand’. You’ve asked a lot of questions that have got people really thinking, and up till now you’ve restricted yourself to a few thanks, rather than revealing an opinion of your own.

The fact that this is the issue that made you flip gives me a lot of respect for you. You can handle things that might feel like personal contradictions or insults (on the other questions), but when it’s an issue of other people suffering, you let rip. Well done. Good priorities.

In my opinion, anger is the only reasonable first response to the suffering that goes on in the world. You’ll have noticed that I don’t direct my anger at God, so we’ll have to differ there, but frankly, anyone who can see what goes on and not get angry is lacking in some basic human compassion. When my friend was dying in her 30s, leaving behind two young teens, I was angry. When I discovered that Britian, the US and other nations were taking payments from the the poorest countries which prevented them continuing basic health care, I was furious. When I learned about those cleft-lip babies on banana plantations, I was both horrified and angry.

Pity for people doesn’t really do anyone any good. Compassion is great but I don’t think most of us have enough of it to get us doing things. Anger, combined with that compassion, is what makes people get up out of their armchairs and do something to change the world.

So I admire the strength of your response, although I’d say you’re directing your anger the wrong way. As I was thinking through your response last night (it’s morning here in France), I was wondering what’s given you such compassion and anger on behalf of people who suffer. If you don’t want to answer here, you could fun mail me. Have you had personal experience of unresolved suffering? Or is it a more general anger as you look at the world today?

Thanks for your questions, and for your opinions!

Answer #8

But why should innocent victims pay the price? Humans do all they can to put a stop to it, why put the blame on people when God can help according to the Bible.

Answer #9

ethmer, you start by saying that god is outside spacetime, necessarily implying that we can know nothing about god (except his existence outside spacetime? how can we even know that much? “rurow shaggy!” - Scooby Doo)

Then you continue to analyze this unknowable thing called god. Please tell me you can see the errors in this.

Answer #10

In my religion we believe in resurection. We also believe in Karma. If you’re not appreciative of what you have in this life, for example if you waste food and water, and are never thankful for what you have, you will be subjected to a life with none of that stuff. I know it sounds weird, but God is testing the people who have everything too…he wants to see if we will help others in need. He wants to see if we will take time to see the less fortunate and help them because in reality we are all the same, we are all on this earth for the same purpose. God will work through us to help others. He already has, by letting us become aware of world hunger, now he’s seeing what we will do to help our brothers and sisters. That is my view. Always help eachother.

Answer #11

Ok… Sometimes we think we know what’s best for us… When really only God knows…

We’re God’s children so he automatically wants what’s best for us… And in the end he’s going to get they last say.. (unless of course we don’t choose to follow him… but that’s a different story)

therefore because he wants what’s best for us… We’re going to get what’s best for us… And sometimes that means putting us out of our misery…

Everyone’s going to die one day. It’s very sad. But we need to realise that.

Answer #12

I Know what you mean, my mother is incredibly sick, she cant walk and she’s practically a skeleton, and sometimes I wonder why He doesn’t save her. But then I realize He will heal her if it’s His will, if not then I’ll see her in Heaven, I don’t understand why this is happening to her because no one can comprehend God, but I trust God and I know He loves everybody and He wants the best for them. I know my mom will walk again someday. I’ve seen God do amazing things.

Answer #13

Although I suspect the question is intended to cause ponder, I’ll answer it with a link nonetheless just in case:


Answer #14

this is exactly why I don’t believe in God. my fiance is dying of cancer…why doesn’t God save him? my 12yr cousin has cancer…why doesn’t he save her…she’s never done any sin…she’s so young! I know people who have been abused…beaten..neglected…why aren’t they saved?


Answer #15

Because we are not gods puppets! I believe in god, but I do not believe every feeling we feel is influenced by him. And remember that the devil tempted jesus by asking why don’t you cure the world of all sickness. He refused because if earth was heaven, heaven would not be a reward.

Answer #16

Wow, this is one of the exact reason I hate Christianity/God is because of bbb,haileybre, and confusedx0gurls moronic comments.

You people are sooo ignorant, and make no friking sense.

Answer #17

Why should he?

Answer #18

an interesting fact: 25% of Bill Gates income could wipe away world hunger in the entire world.

Answer #19

* “if earth was heaven, heaven would not be a reward.”

…uh, so? Is your god a slave to reward systems?

Answer #20

natural selection, if there wasn’t these problems there would be over population

Answer #21

flossheal get over the fact gods a stuck-up prick..stop making excuses.

Answer #22

God doesn’t stop sufferning because people must suffer for their sins. All of the suffering that a person undergoes is due to their Karma, and they get what they deserve. People must starve, suffer and be miserable because they must pay for their sins.

Answer #23

God does not reveal Itself because God exists outside of the universe and time. God is not infinite nor finite, God just Is.

We, being part of the universe, can not see God because we can’t see outside of the universe. We can only perceive that there is a God that caused the universe to come into existence.

It is our mis-perceptions of God and the need for a “super King” or “super father” that grants all the meddlesome attributes to the God which we perceive.

  in my opinion

  1. God created/caused our spirits (entities) along with the universe to come into being. God established the purpose for it all but doesn’t involve Its self in the continuance or activities of same.

  2. “Sin” is man’s concept and is utilized by men to control other men. The human caused “negative events” that take place are circumstances that are considered by us in the non-life experience between incarnations as we evaluate the successes and failures we made as we attempted to achieve our goals during our incarnations.

  3. The Bible (and similar religious books) is a necessary concoction created by man to control man and his environment. It was necessary because mankind, in its infancy, did not have the medical and technological knowledge to conquer and understand its environment so had to be controlled by superstitions which were found to save lives and further the survivability of the various human societies.

Why did God make the world?

in my opinion, God diversified Itself into Its many parts and charged those parts (entities) to go forth and acquire knowledge and experience and to then return to the Oneness of God.

The entities caused the creation of the universe and everything therein and individually choose to inhabit the physical bodies.

The entities may incarnate/reincarnate many times before gravitating back into the Oneness of God.


Speculation: 1 Is God necessary?


There has to be a Source from which the “big bang” sprang forth Creating the universe.

Speculation: 2 What is God?

God is the ultimate Cause.

God is the Creative Entity, Energy or Force from which all is derived.

Speculation: 3 Where is God?

God is in a state of awareness that is outside the universe.

God has morphed part of Itself into those entities (spirits) that inhabit the universe and the physical bodies within.

Speculation: 4 Why is God?

God Is because God Is.

God is eternal, existing independent of time or the universe.

Speculation: 5 Is God concerned?


God is not concerned with the daily functioning of the universe or matters within it. That is our domain and subject to our whim.

Speculation: 6 What are we?

We are the spirits (entities) of God.

God morphed into Us and we continue to create according to God’s purpose.

Our physical bodies are simply the means we use to experience and function in the physical dimension.

Speculation: 7 Why are we?

We are for the purpose of gaining knowledge and experience.

In the end, we gravitate back into the Oneness of God allowing for the fulfillment of God.

Speculation: 8 Evolution

Evolution is simply a tool of Creation.

The entities often influence the direction of evolution along desired paths.

From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!


I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.

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