Why do people preach tolerance?

Why do people always preach tolerance? They all say that I must tolerate their beliefs, but if I do not agree with them, they will not tolerate my beliefs. They ask for tolerance but will not tolerate intolerance. This goes against everything they say. Please explain this to me.

Answer #1

teddyg.. you must be tolerant of everybody Else’s religion because obviously you must be Christian, which means in this new world you are the bad guy, the killer, the infidel, Satan and every other bad word they can think of. you MUST be tolerant because if offends them if you say something like Merry Christmas ( I’m scared to go to school tomorrow cause I got caught with a Christmas card in my locker and got 2 days oss for it! Al because it said Merry Christmas and I read it aloud to myself. You are not allowed (by some law we have never been informed of) to offend anybody else in the world, but they can offend you if they want to. Welcome to teh kinder gentler world, the one we made that’s tolerant of everything but ourselves, oh did I mention we are the only country that tried the kinder gentler hing? The rest of the world is only friendly to us cause of Obama , if McCain had got elected the rest of the world would still want us dead.

Answer #2

he said True religions not Catholic

Are you saying that catholicism is not a true relgion?

Donien, you speak of tolerence as a bad thing. Your little tirade is quite off base, but I will excuse it due to your age. Hopefully you will get smarter when you grow up.

Answer #3

Everyone on this earth is in some way a hypocrite and everyone wants to be right as well. It’s human nature in my opinion to not be tolerant of others’ beliefs.

Answer #4

How far we have come… Answered by jimahl on Dec 13, 2009, 07:48AM Add me as a friend | Send me Fun Mail | 2664 answers

The true religions never supported war

Ever hear of the crusades? Look it up…

he said True religions not Catholic :)

Answer #5

Some people are hipocrits. Personally I believe that you shoud be tolerant of other beliefs while staying true to your own. One of my closest friends is an athiest and we get along great. My point is, be tolerant of others and if they dont show the same curtousy, well then thats their problem.

Answer #6

The true religions never supported war

Ever hear of the crusades? Look it up…

Answer #7

“Tolerance” does not mean that you’ll happily listen to someone else’s delusional ramblings as if they were sensible. It means you’ll allow others to hold those delusional ideas, and won’t use force against them.

You can be tolerant of the rights of others to hold delusional ideas, and yet mock those ideas openly.

Answer #8

Lol. Because they want you to tolerate their beliefs. Yours are wrong of course, and thus must be corrected.

Dont try to understand it. Your head will just hurt.

Answer #9

Well said phrannie…

Answer #10

All religions/beliefs are filled with hypocrits.

Just like it says thou shall not kill in every major religious book in some way or antoher but still the number 1 reason for war is religion.

Answer #11

The true religions never supported war

Answer #12

Nobody knows why the Crusades happened except the dead people that were really there

…whoa… you REALLY need to study.

And which truth do I need to read up on?

You hope I get smarter when I grow older, so do I that way maybe I can figure a way to save Christianity before they erase it.

snort ň___ň

Snort if you want, but I’ll bet you the worl is trying to erase Christianity, may not happen in my life, but it will happen

Its ironic that your rant is just a contradictory and self-victimizing attempt to defend freedom of expression of a holiday that Christianity STOLE from other Pagan religions. A vain attempt to erase THEM; but having no ACTUAL significance in Christianity itself…

I never said that Christians didn’t steal anything from us, where do you think the Christmas Tree came from? they stole it

…heh… true religion… the ultimate oxymoron.

Answer #13

No actually that was supposed to be a sarcastic comment about the Crusades comment, Nobody knows why the Crusades happened except the dead people that were really there, but everybody seems to blame the whole thing on the Catholics, , maybe it is their fault maybe its not, its not for me to say I just have to deal with it a thousand years or so later. As for my speaking of tolerance as a bad thing IT IS, Please explain to me why I have to be tolerant of everybody else’s religion or feelings and nobody in the world gives a dam about mine. I had a Christmas card in my locker, …a Christmas card…What is so dam wrong about a Christmas card? And what so bad about saying Merry Christmas? I can say Happy Hanuka, Happy Kwanzaa, and I have to put up with Ramadan, I can even say happy Ramadan, but Merry Christmas gets 3 days oss?

No wonder my brother is the way he is. You hope I get smarter when I grow older, so do I that way maybe I can figure a way to save Christianity before they erase it.

Answer #14

Nobody knows why the Crusades happened except the dead people that were really there

…whoa… you REALLY need to study.

You hope I get smarter when I grow older, so do I that way maybe I can figure a way to save Christianity before they erase it.

snort ň___ň

Its ironic that your rant is just a contradictory and self-victimizing attempt to defend freedom of expression of a holiday that Christianity STOLE from other Pagan religions. A vain attempt to erase THEM; but having no ACTUAL significance in Christianity itself…

…heh… true religion… the ultimate oxymoron.

Answer #15

As for my speaking of tolerance as a bad thing IT IS, Please explain to me why I have to be tolerant of everybody else’s religion or feelings and nobody in the world gives a dam about mine.

There is a big difference between being tolerant and giving a damn. I can be very tolerant of someones belief with out giving a damn about the actual belief. Tolerance just means to let people be.

Do you live in the US? If you do, I just don’t believe your story about you getting in trouble for having a xmas card in your locker. I think you are making things up just to bolster your argument. If you are being truthful, than I would suggest you call the media and let them know. I am sure FOX would love to do a story on that. I will be looking for it.

Who is the ‘they’ who are trying to get rid of christianity?

Answer #16

We can only control what WE do…individually. You cannot control what others do or believe (or how they act). Generally speaking, tho…by “giving” tolerance, the chances are higher that you will receive the same…


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