Why do boys use girls for hookups?

ughh why do guys gotta be such jerks & jst use us for “hookups” they think that we are jst TOYS and were not…NOT every girl whats a sex crazy guy..I dont. I want someone who’s going to be there for me when I need them.

Answer #1

curiosity or not …

Answer #2

ikno how u feel my last boyfriend was a total dickhead and started sleeping around it pissed me off,,, I duno jsut be glad your not one of them

Answer #3

Pure curiosity along with the aid of hormones can be blamed for the sex crave. But there are guys out there that aren’t just looking for sex.

Answer #4

The main reason is because there are a lot of girls that are really naive. They really think the guy likes them, because he says everything they want to hear. When he only wants them for one thing.

Answer #5

good anser as to why guys use girls 4 hookup. I had some1 do that 2 me–but it was kinda on both our parts. my sis is away in colege now..and things were ok when they were hapenning…but now everythin stopped cold…and it wasn’t worth it in the end…guys/girls should be friends 1rst..and sex can come later. its weird if ya do it bACKWARDS.

Answer #6


Answer #7

ughh why do guys gotta be such jerks & jst use us for ‘hookups’

Because girls LET THEM…

Answer #8

Dear brokenxxx, We no longer believe boys will be boys…but be know that people (even boys) will treat you the way you let them. So by being a strong person and expect to be treated with respect and dignity and you will be. Sue…good luck

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