Who thinks this was totally weird and I should get another roomy?

OK today when I got back from class, I decided to take a nap, and when I woke up, my roomy was sitting by my bed watching me sleep. I jumped up and asked him what he was doing and he said, looked like you were having a nightmare. (If I was having a bad dream, he didn’t try very hard to wake me) I said ok and told him to ask me next time, but I don’t believe him. Am I just being paranoid or should I get another roommate???

Answer #1

Its a small reason to get a roomate at the moment, wait it out and see if anything else comes up. For all you know you might have been saying really funny things in your sleep and he was trying to figure out what on earth was going on

Answer #2

WTF is his problem? Tell him to knock that shit off.

Answer #3

well if he keep doing that to you and you are uncomfortable then ask for another rommate … hope I helped

xx couchpotato

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