Who has seen september clues?

I for one believe it, do you? The facts are laid out and ill be damned if they manipulated the facts…

Oh and if you havent, you should, search september clues on google or your favorite torrent site and youll get the download, its freely distributed…

Answer #1

I haven’t seen the documentary in question.

I believe that mass media has furthered the propaganda put forth concerning 9/11… and have made some slip ups in doing so.

For example… CNN and the BBC both erroneously reported the collapse of the Solomon Bros building [WTC 7] half an hour before its actual collapse… spurring accusations that at some point faulty scripting was given to the major media outlets later in the day when earlier reporting included accounts of numerous explosions in the Twin Towers… the lack of expected jet debris where they were supposed to have crashed in Shanksville PA and at the Pentagon… and the fact that WTCs 1 and 2 collapse resembled that of a controlled demolition.

If I may add to –thedudes– correlation… the Christchurch Star in Christchurch New Zealand… had either compiled or was sent a compilation of the background history of Lee Harvey Oswald from at least 5 different sources… two of which were an obscure Dallas newspaper and Dallas radio station… written up the article… set the print… ran the extra run through the presses and had the paper in the hands of Colonel Fletcher Prouty all within an hour from the earliest point the press began to be briefed on the total scenario of Oswald’s arrest… and within an hour and a half of Lee Harvey Oswald’s arrest.

http://www.wtc7.net/bbc.html http://christchurchcitylibraries.com/Heritage/Newspapers/Star23Nov1963/output/thumbnails/Thumbs1.asp http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/prouty2.txt

Answer #2

Even if it wasn’t a conspiracy…the investigation was slipshod at best. Tragic comedy, at worst.

Just like with JFK, where it took nearly three decades for the government to admit that their version of history was factually impossible (the truth still isn’t known)… …when you add up that Bush Senior was in Dallas that fateful day, was head of the CIA, he became president AND his son was president when 9/11 happened, the ties with the Bin Laden family & Saudis (where most of the hijackers were from…).

It’s enough to make you wonder. AND, knowing all this is public record, if the former president cared a whit for due process, the legislative system or justice, he’d have done twice as much as he should have done in investigating how and why things happened.

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