What to say to friend?

my friends parents are fighting and arent talking to eachother. her dad isnt talking to anyone in the house and is being very mean to her. she said that they were talking about a divorce, and everything is very complicated in the house. shes very depressed. I have no idea what to say to her to comfort her. ill I know what to say is: sorry. can anyone give me advice of what to say to her? words of advice? just to make her feel a little better? I am the only person she went to talk to. theres a lot more of the story of her parents, of WHY their divorce, but I dont have time to explain it. I feel bad that I cant find anything to say to her… can anyone tell me anything to tell her? thanks so much.

Answer #1

I know its hard sometimes to give advice.. its important to just to listen, make sure she knows you care.. mayb try to do stuff to get her mind off things and get her outta the house like bowling or a sleepover? make sure when she’s talking to keep eye contact and to respond to what shes saying. sometimes the best thing is just to be there to listen. If she has siblings ask her how there taking it, how there coping.I hope I could help in some way, its a really touchy subject and the best of luck to ya.

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