What should I major in?

I am not good enough in any suybject to major in, not good enough at art, or anything. Except photography…is there a major of photography? Did any of you attend East Carolina University? That is my dream to go there. please help me, I wish there was a way I could major in photography there but I dont think I can. maybe I could do something in nursing…at a pediatrics place. But I really dont want bad hours, I want to make sure I am home for my kids…I know I am planning a lot but I am responsible…just help me yall thnk you

Answer #1

All the more reason to go to a community college. Figure out what you want to do in the two years you are there. Don’t worry about not excelling in something - college is the place to learn.

Answer #2

Photography is good. Computer graphic design is another, similar profession.

You can check out “The College Bluebook” for different schools, listed by degree, size, location, etc., to get ideas. The set of “bluebooks” is often kept at the public library, but I’m sure there are resources on line as well.

Answer #3

YES! Go for photojournalism.

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