What's the most strict denomination?

I considered studying and being a mormon but,they don’t really live up to there reputation.I guess I just need focus a discupline within my sprituality.what is the most strict denomination?

Answer #1

Strict denomination, good works, etc will not get you to Heaven - the only way is Jesus Christ - this I what I know to be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus.

Answer #2

Well, I think that all churches have strict rules one way or the other. I happen to be Mormon myself, and, you don’t go to worship the people in church since it’s all Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father, and the holy ghost. The person that answered was on the right path when referring to our church. The church and it’s doctorine is perfect but, not the people that they let in. The only person that’s really perfect is Jesus and, you need to rely on him for everything. You need to find some kind of church that’s going to suit your needs and, you also need to pray, and, see if it’s really true for you. Read your bible, and, if you’re interested in other dinomonations, you can brows online and, get information on their beliefs and, see for yourself if that particular church his strict as far as rules go. Now, I know that some churches are a little lenient on their rules but, they are still strict in their own ways. Keep studying, and, I hope you find a really good church to attend and adapt too.

Answer #3

following the bible .. but no one can do it thats why jesus died on the cross for you. so if you want to buckle down and become strict go to every mass there is .. read the holly book any moment you get .. help out with your church .. and donate 11 % of your income to your church.

Answer #4

I agree with amblessed, though - it’s what I was trying to say in a different way. And it’s a good thing that our salvation is through Jesus not through our good works, because we all fail at times.

Answer #5

I agree with Amblessed and Flossheal.

Jesus said to him, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me. John 14:6

By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God not as a result of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

Answer #6

Focus on Jesus, not on any one discipline. You can be as devoted and committed as you like, but that devotion needs to be focussed on the Lord, not on any practice.

So what I mean is, look for Jesus, not for a style of church. He can be worshipped with great devotion and seriousness in many churches. Find one with a discipleship course based on faithful Bible-teaching, but where joy in faith, rather than strictness, is the key.

Maybe you could find out about Christian communities where the faith is lived out on a daily basis - I don’t just mean monks and nuns, as there are also many other Christian communites who pray, worship and serve their fellow humans together.

Answer #7

amblessed…(holding myself back)…I don’t agree with that :)

Answer #8

ha ha ha…OUCH! that hurts. (lol, I’m mormon.) we have a saying in the church…the church is perfect, the people aren’t. meaning, our doctirine is sound, complete and perfect, but as humans, we’re not. we make mistakes.

one thing you need to learn I think is that you practice a religion for yourself. we are all in different places in our spirituality and understanding. you don’t go to church to worship the people that are there…so if they are having a hard time keeping to every law and commandment, then you encourage them to keep trying, you don’t leave because they can’t keep up.

go to a church for you. go because you know it’s right, not because the people practice it perfectly.

Answer #9

*”you practice a religion for yourself” to create a relationship with your God.

sorry, I forgot to include that.

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