What's the most memorable moments you had in 2009?

Throughout the year 2009,what’s the most memorable moments you had that your proud of? And what is a goal you have for 2010?

Some memorable moments I have had were becoming best friends with Lizz and meeting more awesome friends. A goal I have in 2010 is to get better in skateboarding.

Answer #1

hahahahah umm well I stalked a guy, found god for real, oh crap a whole lot more I’ve really changed this year, uhhh, I learned how to be myself and to be more outgoing and I’ve developed a stronger relationship with my mom and I dont have anything for 2010 yet

Answer #2

I made cheerleading and I plan on making it next year for a lot of people

Answer #3

I met a guy who I really like, I saw a guy that I used to fancy and I saw him for the first time in 4 years, I got a new hobbie and I have made a new friend and we have so many funny moments together.

Answer #4

For 2009: I quit drugs! I’m actually REALLY proud of myself on that one… Uhmmm I met a guy, but I’m not gonna get into that haha. And I didn’t severely injure myself this year! =D lol.

Goals for 2010: Get out of the country. Graduate with an 90+ avg. Get into a good uni. Quit smoking.

Answer #5

mine is accomplishing my goal of being a poet, and my goal of next year is to be more lovable :D

Answer #6

ahhh I became best friends with you :)

spending the most precious time with my nana :( finding who my real friends are


Answer #7

ifelt the urge to seek God more:))my goal for 2010 is to have a stronger and better relationship with God,my hubby,my fam and to get a job.

Answer #8

ohhh and I fell in a huge empty fountain @ the alberta legislature building while taking a pic XD

Answer #9

I stopped smoking :D

Answer #10

Um.. learned how to make cheesecake..

And next year: live through it. :)

Answer #11

For 2009 Going to Glastonbury and V fest :) Made quite a lot of friends, made some close friends too, despite losing some others due to just not keeping in contact much. Found a new hobby: 3D computer modelling. I learn’t from scratch and picked it up really well, I should start making money from it soon by selling my models. ;) I’ve guess I’ve changed quite a bit. I always do. Despite having a pretty crappy year, I’ve come out stronger. I started taking pride in my appearance. I think this year I’ve started making myself look better and it’s made me feel better :)

For 2010 Get to uni. If not, I guess another year of studying. I’m not going to be a waster, I need to get somewhere in life. Maybe move out. Haven’t decided yet. If I move to uni I will defiantly, if I don’t I may possibly. Get a more steady income of money. Some months I’m making above £500, some months I make £140. Not very stable at all. And I’ll need money and possibly a new job for uni… Get a girlfriend. I haven’t had one in 1 and a half years due to lots of stuff going on at home. It’s pretty much all over now so I’m feeling a little better about myself but still feel a bit… I dunno, lonely? And well, I guess I’ll just do pretty much the same stuff as last year. :)

Answer #12

2009 impersonating the kanye taylor incident for interrupting my teachers any chance possible. 2010 is too stop my issues!!

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