What kind of Monsters would be suicide bombers?

2/1/08: Two women suicide bombers who have killed nearly 80 people in Baghdad were Down’s Syndrome victims exploited by al Qaida.The explosives were detonated by remote control in a co-ordinated attack after the women walked into separate crowded markets, said the chief Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad General Qassim al-Moussawi.Other officials said the women were apparently unaware of what they were doing - What kind of Monsters would do this ?

Answer #1

Coalition forces play by the rules 99% of the time and catch hell for the 1% that don’t, yet most people don’t have a clue what al-Qaeda and other insurgent groups do to people in that country on a regular basis <<<

That’s exactly what I hear from those that have been on the ground there !

Answer #2

I guess the same kind of monsters that would open fire and kill 84 men, 44 women and 18 children at wounded knee. that kind of monster is man.

Answer #3

you are shocked and surprised by the cruelty that humans are capable of inflicting? and that is all humans, not just middle eastern. consider america’s treatment of the native americans, african americans or the japanese. germany’s behavior in wwII. the millions that died in russian gulags. the crusades in the name of Christ. the genocide in darfur. south africa. and so on and so on. cruelty is nothing new and it is NOT limited to the middle east.

Answer #4

I would not call them monsters but mislead and it tragic that innocent people had to deal with the consquences of those womens rash actions. It’s really something we have to blame ourseleves for because we made the society we live in this way and although we are not personaly affected by it we are still a part of it. May those innocent people rest in peace

Answer #5

That kind…

Answer #6

they arent monsters they are brainwashed by their OWN INTERPRETATION of islamic religion its just like the germans who thought that the ‘reich’ was a good MORAL move

Answer #7

ever heard of god? you have…and you believe he exists…thats al-qaida for ya. they believe in something and will do anything for it. to them its right to us its wrong of course this is unacceptable but its what they believe (or have been tortured to believe) MAN is MANS only true enemy and it will stay like that, you take al-qaida out another similar cell (group) will form etc. its unstoppable, but this case was very sick…they used 2 innocent people to become killers… poor B*stards didnt even fully know what they were doing…

Answer #8

Correct title should be: What kind of Monsters would pick on 2 handicapped, unknowing, women to do their bidding and slaughter 80 innocents whose only crime is shopping ??

Answer #9

‘sigh’ the things people will do for religion… religion is the one evil…

Answer #10

These are the kind of people we are up against. The so-called “insurgents” resort to barbaric tactics like this constantly…I saw it it time and time again. Many of their people are high on opiates when they launch suicide attacks, and they frequently target places where there are large populations of children without even realizing what they’re doing. The whole terrorist operation in Iraq is based on lies and manipulation of clueless people. If you’ve never been over there, you don’t realize the lengths they will go to, terrorizing neighborhoods and butchering people, later claiming they were martyrs. Coalition forces play by the rules 99% of the time and catch hell for the 1% that don’t, yet most people don’t have a clue what al-Qaeda and other insurgent groups do to people in that country on a regular basis.

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