What is your opinion of Homosexuals ?

For a project I decided to do how people in Canada/America react to people who are Homosexual , compared to how people in less developed countries like Africa might react . So I was wondering …

Questions ! What are your opinions on gay rights ? If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ? Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else ? What do you think of people in different countrys being killed because they’re gay ?

And finally …

(From your perspective as a girl or guy ) How would you feel to see ( if your a girl then 2 other females :: If your a guy then 2 other guys) heavly making out or something ? How would you react ?

Thanks . :) (Opnions from both Straight and Gay people are appriciated ) :)

Answer #1

What are your opinions on gay rights?

I think gays should have the same rights as straights.

If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ?

I would feel disgusted, and I would tell them to get a room. Bu I would do that with a straight couple too, especially if there were little kids around.

Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else?

Nope. They deserve to be treated the same. But these days, most people are getting treated badly by someone, just not because of sexual preference.

What do you think of people in different countrys being killed because they’re gay?

I don’t agree with it. I don’t believe that being gay is a choice, and I don’t think it’s right for people to be killed for something that they have no control over.

Answer #2

Questions ! What are your opinions on gay rights ?

I think gays should have equal rights as straights. They’re people too, they should be able to be married just as straights, divorce just as straights, and be equal people. Someone being gay doesn’t effect me, and it’s their life, so, why should I care what I do with it? Why should I tell a person who has just as much value as me, that they HAVE to like the opposite sex, and that they’re wrong?

If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ?

the same way if it was straight people. I’d avert my gaze and all.

Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else ?

definently not. See first Q.

What do you think of people in different countrys being killed because they’re gay ?

I think it’s wrong on sooo many levels. They don’t deserve it. Many influential people are gay, and they’re people too. That’d be like killing someone because they didn’t like dogs. There’s just too many people like that, and even tho they’re gay, they’re still people.

And finally …

(From your perspective as a girl or guy ) How would you feel to see ( if your a girl then 2 other females :: If your a guy then 2 other guys) heavly making out or something ? How would you react ?

Same as the answer above.

Answer #3

AFRICA IS A CONTINENT, not a country. And what do you mean by less developed? Which place in Africa are you speaking of, some of the countries in Africa are less developed and others not so much.

Oh and I am from South Africa (a country in Africa).

What are your opinions on gay rights ? I have no problem with it. However I do feel slightly annoyed that you can have a gay rights parade without anyone having to say anything, yet if you have something like that for straight people, the whole world would freak out.

If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ? The same as I would feel if anyone else made out. I’d probably stare and feel uncomfortable.

Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else ? No, it’s a sexual preference, not a crime.

What do you think of people in different countrys being killed because they’re gay ? I don’t agree with anyone being killed for any reason.

(From your perspective as a girl or guy ) How would you feel to see ( if your a girl then 2 other females :: If your a guy then 2 other guys) heavly making out or something ? How would you react ?

The same way I would react if it were to straight people making out. I would probably make a comment or two.

Answer #4

What are your opinions on gay rights ?

I believe everyone has the right to love regardless of gender.

If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ?

I honestly would not care, I mean if they love each other and want to show their affection, I’d be completely fine with it. I mean if I were gay then I’d want people to be fine with it as well.

Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else ?

No, they’re people just like us. People need to learn that the world is changing.

What do you think of people in different countrys being killed because they’re gay ?

I think it’s horrible. I mean, going through the extremity of killing someone just because they love the same gender? It’s outrageous.

Answer #5

‘However I do feel slightly annoyed that you can have a gay rights parade without anyone having to say anything, yet if you have something like that for straight people, the whole world would freak out.’

Why would you have a parade for a dominant group? No one has ever been killed or tortured for being straight. Seems kinda pointless… There’s a reason minorities have pride marches, because their minority status is a disadvantage. When straight people have to deal with the bigotry, hatred and discrimination, then they get to have pride marches.

Answer #6

I think homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals. And like badaboom said reguarding to “making out” I would be uncomfortable but that’s with any couple eating eachothers’ faces off in public and a peck on the cheek or a slightly longer kiss is ok but not total snogging. As far as doing anything about it I wouldn’t because I have better things to do that oggle at them and make a scene. Homosexuals shouldn’t be treated any different then heterosexuals but then women who weigh more than 130 lbs get judged negativley as well. And when my boyfriend and best guy friend (the guy friend is gay) went to the mall we saw 2 men well into their late 40’s early 50’s holding hands and all my friend and I did was go “awww that’s so cute they still hold hands and they’re gay.” My gay friend said, “That makes me feel so good that they don’t even care what other people think.” And it was just an awesome time.

Answer #7

I live in australia, so not sure if you need my opinion for your project but I beleive being gay (bi, transexual, transgender,ect) doesnt make anyone any less human they are entitled to all the same rights as saight people, I beleive they are entitled to those rights wether they are legal now or not because what gay people do with there life shouldnt affect straight people it has nothing to do with them, love is about 2 people not two people and what everyone elses thinks about them so its pointless making up laws to ban something thats perfectly fine to do

as for how I would feel if I saw them kissing, I wouldnt care, its two people, there expressing there love, its perfectly fine for two people of the same sex to express there love for each other they have every right to

and I am disgusted by people who kill gay people or bash them just for being gay, those people deserve to be punnished untill they learn not to hurt people because of there sexuality, I beleive that it one of the lowest most disgusting things soemone could ever do, and personally I beleive a lot of those people deserve to die, as most of them are homophobes and wont change

Answer #8

rofl, Africa’s a continent… someone’s failing geography…

Everyone should have a right to express their love. No matter what the gender. I would just feel awkward as I do when I see anyone making out in public. Being gay doesn’t mean that you’re not human, it means that you have different prefrences. It’s pig-headed to kill some one just because they’re gay. What’s the difference?

One more thing, why do people seem to accept lesbians more than gays? …nevermind.

Answer #9

What are your opinions on gay rights ? -I believe people have a right to love who they want to love, regardless of their age, color or gender.

If you saw 2 gay guys/girls making out in public how would you feel/react ? -No different than seeing a guy and girl make out… I’m not effected by it.. it’s none of my business :)

Do they deserve to be treated badly or different then everyone else ? -Nobody deserves being treated better or worse than anyone else. Everybody’s equal in my eyes… we’re all human.. who are we to discriminate and judge? They aren’t hurting anybody. It’s their lives, and everybody needs to let them live it.

What do you think of people in different countries being killed because they’re gay ? -I’m disgusted by it… I’m strongly against violence. Some people are close minded and it’s just stupid.

Answer #10
  • I think gay rights should not even be an issue, I think it should be acceptable everywhere
  • I might feel a little uncomfortable, but I would feel that way with any couple making out near me in public -definitely not
  • I think it is ridiculous, but I understand how different cultures are

-I would feel a little uncomfortable, maybe a little grossed out. I wouldn’t do anything. I mean its just like any other couple making out in public…

Answer #11

well if I saw 2 people of the same sex make out, I’d be kinda freaked out. I would show my respect and not sit and stare at them though. they are people just like anyone else. let them be who they wanna be. they aren’t hurting anyone. & people being killed for their choice on who they wanna love is wrong. they aren’t hurting anyone. LET THEM LIVE! (: & I actually know a gay and he’s just like me. I go to him for advice. we’re best friends. so gays shouldn’t be treated differently. not at all. I support them 100%, no doubt about it.

Answer #12

‘less developed countries like Africa’

Africa is not a country. And I dont see what difference gender makes.

Answer #13

they are gay…

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