What if I like this guy and my best friend took him just because..?

Ok I was talking to this guy and my best friend new I likes him sooo she and him went out behind my back and did suff of course I dont like her or him any more but there both in almost all of my classes and she dosnt know ik yet! How do I confront her of this and tell her I really dont want to be her friend?

Answer #1

If you never make a move on guys, you will always be alone. For people like me, that’s not really a problem, but if you really feel that you need human companionship, then you need it and you should try to get over your fears. Everyone is going to be disliked by someone. There isn’t a person alive that is, or would be, liked by everyone. A good tip to over coming these fears is simple: if you can’t love yourself, then who the * can you love? - Ru Paul.

Answer #2

The only health I can connect that to would be mental health, but anyway, I’m not going to sugar coat it and say that your friend was being cruel because the only way YOU can truely KNOW that she knew you liked the guy in the first place was if YOU told her flat out. If you did, then yes, she was in the wrong for going behind your back, but you also never made a move on the guy and she did. If you never told her or him that you liked him, then all I can say is grow up. No one can read your mind and I have little pity for people who expect people to be able to do that. It took me a year to figure it out, so I know it’s not that easy, but you should reflect upon the situation and ask yourself if they truely knew YOUR feelings. If they did, then there’s no need to confront and say you don’t want to be friends because they should already know that they weren’t very friendly to you and they don’t deserve your kindness. But if they didn’t, then they had no idea they were being mean to you and you shouldn’t look for the internet to comfort you and tell you the big mean bullies at school will get it in the end. Go to your mother for that.

Answer #3

Tthanks I did tell her I liked him but I just couldnt say anything to him what if he didnt like me back, or juat laughed at me or something. I have never had a boyfriend befor just because of that reason or if someone liked I would make amove back because I was so scared?

Answer #4

yes confront her she knew you liked him and even though hes single and she does have a right to be with him if she likes him to becaue you didnt make a move she should have told you

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