what does all this mean??

So all I want to know is why is it that when you catch feelings for somebody, they never feel the same way about you…

I have known this guy for a very long time and just recently I have realized how much I like him. I mean we chill together and everything but that’s not enough. I want to be with this man more then words can explain.

The thing about this is that I feel like I will never be good enough for him. I’ve tried to lose weight so he will be more attracted to me and when I want to chill with him, I pay one of my friends a lot of money to go pick him up and it’s like through all this, he don’t feel the same way about me that I do about him. I want to be with him with every fiber of my being and I pray every night that when I wake up the next day that maybe just maybe things will be different and he will realize that nobody could ever possibly love him more then I do.

Then I look at myself like there’s something wrong with me that turns him away from me. I would give or do absolutely anything to be him wifey. I want him to understand that I have my flaws and I am well aware of it. When we sit and watch a movie and he holds me or holds my hand in the car on the way to take him home, I feel like the most special person in the world. Even when he shows me the littlest bit of affect, whether it’s a hug or a kiss on the cheek, my heart melts like ice on a hot summer’s day. I know that he completes me in every way a man can complete a woman.

How long is it going to take for him to realize this?

How long do I have to wait?

He says to give it time and see where things go but how much time does he need? It’s like he’s right in front of me and I can’t touch him. He’s a centimeter’s reach away and I can’t touch him. I think that he’s out of my league.

I need advice…

Answer #1

okay…girl I feel u…I been there…shoot im here now…I been messn w/ this boy for a bout a year and sum change…we’ve done everything you can do…I love him with everything I have and I let him know that all the time…its crazy because like he really means the world to me and I give him EVERYTHING he wants…I know it sounds desperate but I do…I argue and complain about shyt but and the end he gets his way problem is he don’t feel the same way he’ll hold me and tell me all I want to hear give me everythng I need {physically} but he wont and will never say he loves me…no matter how much hes there for me I know in my heart its a lost cause but I continue to TRY to make him love me…doin all that I can and even when I think im at the top of my game I step it up even more…I follow my heart but I know if it was anyone else I’d tell them to let it go which my friends have told me to…he’s locked up now…we used to write eachother for the 1st six months he was gone but he got a home pass for v-day we seen eachother and didnt do nuthn but kiss and talk…he hasnt ritten me since I know its not because we didnt do it or nething because we don’t ALWAYS do it…but I feel unappreciated…if I had a choice I would have stopped loving him a long tyme ago but I cnt so I understand if you cnt but just no that it hurts more the further down the road you get…sry so long but I really hope this helps…in other words FOLLOW your HEART BUT IF IT HURTS MORE THAN ITS WORTH LET IT GO!!!

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