What do I do to stop my anger from getting the best of me?

Today at school people were talking abot me as usual. Today was different though this just set me off because she 17 and already had her baby. She was talking to one of the girls and said wow look at that slut she used such a goody two shoes now she’s just a slut. So I turned around and said you know what just shut the f up you already had a d baby so you can’t be f* talking. How can I control my anger

Answer #1

Really my anger is just my hormones cause I’m pregnant so the question is pretty much how do I control my mood swings/hormones.

Answer #2

get a punching bag it is a good thing to take anger out on my brother had anger isuses and I got him one for his birthday and now he can keep his under control hope it helps L.P

Answer #3

you need to take up something like a sport/activity anything that makes you use a lot of energy on something to take away the anger. like kickboxing or karate or dancing. if you’re only verbally angry all the time it could be your self-esteem, so do something you love, or go a facial or massage

Answer #4

Be confident and dont worry what people think. If you stick with this, people and their comments want effect you. If this dosent work, you may need anger management or to try stratiges like counting to ten or finding a place in your mind that is safe and calm. Hope this helps.

Answer #5

don’t think I can play a sport at this very momoent but I will try to control my anger

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