What comes to mind when you think of Obama?

What do you think when you hear Obama? -I think progress and equality.

Answer #1

‘Policies’ - Obama will not impeiment ‘policies’ that are in American’s best interests - no nation has ever ‘Taxed’ it’s way into prosperity’.

Answer #2

rickd, I am very happy Obama won, but will still continue to confront the haters.

And if we are to be able have any good times to roll after the disaster of the past 8 years, it will require a lot of hard work and support from all americans.

Answer #3

no phrannie, when people repeat ignorant remarks they hear on fox (or from their parents, or whatever clueless person) one has no choice but to call them what they are… morons… has nothing to do with being childish

Answer #4

What a bunch of morons…

Name calling??? Now that the election is won, are we reverting to grade school???


Answer #5

Amblessed you’re a sore loser. You and all your little McCain lovin’ friends, who booed every time McCain said Obama’s name.

Answer #6

What a bunch of morons…

Answer #7

Personally, I am a little skeptical, simply because of all the stuff I’ve heard about him, I just know what to believe, so I dont know anything about him.

Answer #8

me too! I see change coming

Answer #9

Trouble…And hide my guns away so I can keep them.

Answer #10


Answer #11

obama doesn’t even have a birth certificate in the us because he wasn’t born in the us his own grandmother said so, that whole election was a load of crap everyone was so excited it was the first so called black president even though he is muslim, you can’t deny it you don’t just up and go oh I’m not muslim today but I’m not going to sware on the bible for the inaguration I am going to sware on the koran which by the way is the muslim bible. face it everything is corrupted about the government. and about that whole not standing up for those who can’t defend themselves. if we don’t do it then who will? surely not the people or are to busy worrying about their lives rather then thinking about someone else for 5minutes.

Answer #12

“- How dare you oppose gay marriage- hater “

I would say most people who oppose gay marriage are haters. What possible reason could someone have for wanting to deny some peoples rights of to marry whom they want? What possible difference would it make in anyone elses lives if gays were allowed to get married?

“- how dare you support a unborn baby’s right to life - hater “

First off, there is no such thing as an unborn “baby”. If it is unborn, it is a fetus or, an embryo, or a blastocyst. Regardless though, I never said opponents were haters. Some are, some aren’t. I happen to be an opponent of abortion.

“- how dare you stand up for those in this world who cannot defend themselves - hater “

And who exactly are you refering to here?

“- how dare you wave that American flag - hater “

Please rickd, a bit hyperbolic, no? When did I ever say or even imply this?

“- how dare you disagree with Al Gore Global warming hype, LOL - hater”

No, not a hater, just ignorant. One would not be disagreeing with Just Al Gore, you would be disagreeing with an overwhelming scientific consensus.

The actual haters I was talking about are the people who are still claiming Obama is a muslim, or doesn’t salute the flag, or is a socialist.

Answer #13

i heart obama.

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