What color is water?

What color is water? Is it clear or white?Or is it whatever color that is under it?(a blue painted pool)

Answer #1

water is clear, it absorbes and takes the color of the space around it.

for example: ocean is blue near the top because of the sky being blue. it is dark near bottom due to lack of light.

if you place water into a green container, the water will appear green.

Answer #2

clear duh

Answer #3

Have you been in Mom & Dads secret stash? Just kidding. . . Maybe you have too much time on your hands, lol. In answer to your question. . .I’m no expert, but I believe that water is clear. Anything else would probably be an illusion or maybe dirty or colored water.

Answer #4

its colourless. It is not merely “clear” because you can have a coloured solution that you can see through. Clear or cloudy refers more to solubility than colour

Answer #5

what the f*ck. clear unless it polluted


Answer #6

If I recall my physics correctly water is infact very slightly blue, not blue like the sea or sky, but very slightly.

This is because when (white) light passes though water different wavelengths are scattered to different degrees. Red and that end of the scale is scattered more strongly, thusly a greater amount of blue light gets though, so water appears blue.

This next bit I’m not 100% sure on but I belive also that water molecules do reflect blue light more strongly than other colours so even without the scattering effect water is still blue, all be it very slightly.

Answer #7

its clear, the sky give it that blue color.

Answer #8

who nows?

Answer #9

water is transparent! it isn’t any colour!

Answer #10


Answer #11

Water is transparent. It has no color.

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